


古代: 公元前 1020 年左右,以色列人在扫罗王的领导下建立了联合王国。然而,内部纷争和外部压力导致这个王国分裂为以色列(北部)和犹大(南部).

青铜时代: 迦南文明于公元前 2000 年左右发展起来。青铜时代晚期,埃及成为该地区的附庸.

铁器时代: 以色列和犹大王国的出现,塑造了犹太人和撒马利亚人的起源.

罗马统治: 公元 1 世纪和 2 世纪的犹太-罗马战争之后,许多犹太人流离失所或被卖为奴隶.

基督教和伊斯兰教: 到 4 世纪,基督教取代犹太教成为主流宗教。伊斯兰教后来在 7 世纪征服了该地区.

十字军东征和蒙古征服: 十字军东征期间,宗教战争时有发生。蒙古人的征服被马穆鲁克苏丹国阻止.

现代以色列国: 1948年,以色列宣告独立,与邻国发生冲突.


领土背景: 加沙是地中海东部沿岸的一片狭长地带,南部与埃及接壤,北部和东部与以色列接壤.


1948 阿以战争: 1948 年以色列建国后,加沙由埃及管理.

1967 六日战争: 以色列占领了加沙、约旦河西岸、西奈半岛和戈兰高地.

1993 奥斯陆协议: 加沙被移交给巴勒斯坦权力机构控制,但紧张局势依然存在.

2005 脱离接触 (Disengagement): 以色列单方面从加沙撤出定居者和军队,导致哈马斯接管.

哈马斯统治(Hamas Rule): 自 2007 年以来,哈马斯(巴勒斯坦激进组织)一直统治着加沙,而以色列则保持封锁.

现状 (08/2024):

封锁: 以色列对加沙实施海上封锁,限制进出口.

冲突: 周期性爆发冲突,造成人员伤亡和人道主义危机.

人权问题: 加沙局势涉及人权问题,包括获取基本必需品和行动自由.

去年 10 月(2023 年),哈马斯向以色列发射了 3,000 多枚火箭弹。武装人员深入以色列控制的领土。这是自 1948 年阿以战争以来首次入侵以色列领土。这些袭击引发了持续不断的以哈战争。

现在,美国、卡塔尔和埃及提出了一项旨在弥合以色列和哈马斯之间分歧的提案,此前双方在结束加沙战争和确保释放以色列人质的谈判上陷入僵局数月. (Financial Time, 08/20/24)


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Gaza ceasefire talks resume for second day in Qatar | BBC News



10/07/2023-today 哈马斯对以色列发动了血腥的突然袭击,造成 1,200 名以色列人死亡,并劫持了约 250 名人质。哈马斯和以色列之间的战争开始了。以色列的回应是夷平了哈马斯管辖的加沙巴勒斯坦飞地的大部分地区,造成近 4 万人死亡,这并没有将哈马斯武装分子与平民区分开来. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

10/2023-today 美国一直在调解战争停火,推动以色列和哈马斯达成协议。出于对伊朗报复性袭击的担忧。哈马斯是伊朗傀儡民兵. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

06/17/2024 以色列国防军在加沙发现了大量最近获得的中国先进军事装备和武器技术。此外,以色列国防军还发现了两名中国人民解放军隧道工程师. (Newsweek, 06/17/2024)

07/25/2024 中国主持了巴勒斯坦14个派别之间的和解会谈,中国外交部长王毅表示,该协议“致力于所有14个派别的伟大和解与团结”。王进一步表示,“就加沙战后治理和建立临时民族和解政府达成了协议。” 1993年,政党联盟(巴解组织)与以色列签署了和平条约,并在巴勒斯坦权力机构(PA)中组建了新政府。哈马斯不属于巴解组织. (CNN 07/25/2024)

07/31/2024 哈马斯政治领导人伊斯梅尔·哈尼亚 (Ismail Haniyeh) 及其私人保镖在伊朗首都德黑兰被以色列袭击暗杀。 (The New York Time, 08/01/2024)

08/06/2024 伊朗官员称俄罗斯已开始向伊朗提供先进的防空和雷达设备. (The Times of Israel, 08/06/2024)

08/11/2024 中国外交部长王毅与伊朗外长、代理外交部长阿里·巴盖里通电话。中方坚决反对并强烈谴责此次刺杀事件,认为这严重违反国际关系基本原则,严重侵犯伊朗主权、安全和尊严,直接破坏加沙停火谈判,影响地区和平与稳定。”王毅进一步表示,中方支持伊朗的自卫立场. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

08/14/2024 马尼拉与以色列埃尔比特系统公司签署了价值 1.14 亿美元的合同,购买两架军用 ATR 72 飞机. (AEROFLAP, 08/14/2024) 中国对几乎整个南海拥有主权,与菲律宾和其他一些东南亚国家的海洋主张重叠。 2016年,海牙的一个法庭称中国的主张没有法律依据,但北京方面拒绝了这一决定。中国和菲律宾之间存在紧张局势. (The Guardian, 07/22/2024)

08/16/2024 伊朗正在寻求与两家中国卫星公司建立合作伙伴关系,以扩大其远程监视和情报收集的能力,可能包括以色列和整个中东军事目标的高分辨率图像。与中国的这项协议可以为伊朗提供增强的弹道导弹瞄准能力以及检测即将发生的袭击的预警系统。伊朗还可能向胡塞叛军、叙利亚和伊拉克民兵等盟友提供卫星情报。伊朗此前曾向这些组织提供从中国购买的卫星图像. (The Jerusalem Post, 08/17/2024)

Why has Iran waited this long to attack Israel for Haniyeh’s death? | What’s Iran’s game plan?

Stories behind the Iran's Threat of Retaliation in the Israel-Hamas War - 08/18/2024

A few stories were summed up here about the development of the Israel-Hamas War and Iran's threat of retaliation:

10/07/2023-today Hamas launched a bloody surprise attack on Israel, killing 1,200 Israelis and taking some 250 more hostages. War between Hamas and Israel began. Israel has responded by razing much of the Palestinian enclave of Gaza that Hamas governs, killing nearly 40,000 people, which does not differentiate Hamas militants from civilians. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

10/2023-today The United States has been mediating a cease-fire in the war, pushing Israel and Hamas to come to an agreement. Amid worries of an Iran retaliatory attack. Hamas is an Iran proxy militia. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

06/17/2024 Massive amounts of recently acquired advanced Chinese military equipment and weapons technology were found in Gaza by the Israel Defense Forces. Also, two tunnel engineers from China's People's Liberation Army were discovered by the IDF. (Newsweek, 06/17/2024)

07/25/2024 China hosted reconciliation talks among 14 Palestinian factions, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the agreement was “dedicated to the great reconciliation and unity of all 14 factions.” Wang further said, “an agreement has been reached on post-Gaza war governance and the establishment of a provisional national reconciliation government.” In 1993, a coalition of parties (PLO) that signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1993 and formed a new government in the Palestinian Authority (PA). Hamas is not part of the PLO. (CNN 07/25/2024)

07/31/2024 Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, was assassinated along with his personal bodyguard in the Iranian capital Tehran by an apparent Israeli attack. (The New York Time, 08/01/2024)

08/06/2024 Iranian officials say Russia has begun delivering advanced air defense and radar equipment to Iran. (The Times of Israel, 08/06/2024)

08/11/2024 China's foreign minister, Wang Yi, spoke over the phone with his Iranian counterpart, acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri. He said, "China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the assassination, viewing it as a severe violation of the basic principles of international relations, a serious infringement on Iran's sovereignty, security and dignity and a direct disruption of the Gaza cease-fire negotiations, impacting regional peace and stability." Wang further said that China supports Iran's position of self-defense. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

08/14/2024 Manila signed a US$114 million contract with Israel's Elbit Systems for acquiring a pair of ATR 72 aircraft adapted for military use. (AEROFLAP, 08/14/2024) China claims nearly all of the South China Sea, overlapping maritime claims of the Philippines and a few other SEA countries. In 2016, a Hague-based tribunal said China’s claims had no legal basis, a decision Beijing has rejected. Tensions exist between China and Philippines. (The Guardian, 07/22/2024)

08/16/2024 Iran is pursuing partnerships with two Chinese satellite companies, as it seeks to expand its capability for remote surveillance and intelligence gathering, potentially including high-resolution images of military targets in Israel and across the Middle East. This deal with China could supply Iran with enhanced targeting capability for its arsenal of ballistic missiles as well as early warning systems to detect impending attacks. Iran might also supply satellite-derived intelligence to allies such as Houthi rebels, Syrian and Iraqi militias. Iran has previously provided such groups with satellite imagery purchased from China. (The Jerusalem Post, 08/17/2024)

Why has Iran waited this long to attack Israel for Haniyeh’s death? | What’s Iran’s game plan?