
2022 赤柱龍舟開幕儀式 和 以往各地端午節龍舟競渡 (片段)

2022 HK01 赤柱龍舟開幕儀式


A dragon boat is a human-powered watercraft originating from the Pearl River Delta region of China's southern Guangdong Province. (wikipedia.org)

The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节; 端午節) is a traditional Chinese holiday which occurs on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar, which corresponds to late May or June in the Gregorian calendar. (wikipedia.org) . For 2022, it is on June 3. 

2016 IDBF Dragon Boat World Cup


เรืิอยาวมังกรชิงแชมป์โลก 1000m women


20170610台北龍舟賽 - 男大龍





英女王伊丽莎白二世在位70年白金禧 和 1975年英女王訪港3日珍貴片段(粤语)

现年96岁的伊丽莎白二世是迄今为止在位时间最长的英国君主,也是第一位庆祝登基白金禧的英国君主。 *女王说:"我继续受到向我展示的善意的鼓舞,并希望未来的日子将提供一个机会来反思过去 70 年来取得的所有成就;我们期冀充满信心和热情的未来。" (1)

官方庆祝活动从周四(6月2日)上午的卫兵换岗和阅兵式开始,到周日伦敦的白金禧彩车游行和盛大庆典结束。 (1)


Image Credit: BBC

Image Credit: BBC


"God Save The Queen" | All times at The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Parade 2022

Apollo Channel [全輯] 英女王訪港3日 | 1975年 | Queen Elizabeth II Visits Hong Kong 3 Days Full Documentary | 珍貴片段


(1) https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/uk-61673332


Conga, Guantanamera, Samba Do Brasil, historia de un amor, Alanna Ubach, Antonio Sol, Havana 片段

Gloria Estefan - Conga
Mucho Gusto Guantanamera
Samba Do Brasil 🇧🇷⚽️Electric Violin Cristina Kiseleff (Cover Bellini) FIFA World Cup
historia de un amor
Alanna Ubach, Antonio Sol - La Llorona (From "Coco"/Sing-Along)
Camila Cabello Heats Up the Stage with 'Havana'


动态清零減肥法Vs 肥肉共存 Applying "Dynamic Zero-FAT" on Weight Control (港普通话, 港粤语, Konglish)



 每天都检查重量,一见到重了(重量高了), 就立即进行“高脂肪食物”隔离,





 有一段时间,决定与肥肉共存。 但肥肉不好看,同时又不健康; 






 日日都檢查重量,一見到重咗(重量高咗), 就立即進行高脂肪食物隔離,






 有一段時間,決定與肥肉共存。 但肥肉唔好睇,同時又唔健康; 




港式英语 Konglish- Hong Konger - English 

 Just a few months ago, I applied "dynamic zero clearance" to my weight management, 

 I checked my weight every day, 

 Whenever I gained weight, I avoided fatty foods, till my body weight returned back to an acceptable range. 

 I could manage my body weight very well with the method of "Dynamic Zero-FAT". 

 Once, my scale (balance) ran out of battery, I couldn't check my body weight, I ate whatever I liked. It ended up, I gained lots of weight. 

 In another occasion, I ate some non greasy food (but with super high calories), I gained lots of weight. 

 Thus, I must keep an eye on the food and body weight from time to time, It is so time-consuming. 

Thus, I decided not to do "Dynamic Zero-FAT" anymore. 

 An old man with such big belly does not look good, and it is not healthy too。

 Later, I found, exercise can help my weight control.

It turns out that a combo of "exercise" and "Dynamic Zero-FAT" is a wonderful method to manage my body weight!!

Image Credit: CNN


Erhan Shukri, Rasputin Vs 至尊無賴 - 青春痘 (片段)


我在网上查一下Rasputin的资料,原来,他c1871–1916, 是Siberian peasant monk who was very influential at the court of Czar Nicholas II and Czarina Alexandra. (1)

我看完Erhan Shukri的Rasputin,才看“至尊無賴 - 青春痘”;鄭中基他们的“打扮和舞姿”笑死我。。。。


Erhan Shukri, Rasputin



至尊無賴 - 青春痘MV


(1) https://www.dictionary.com/browse/rasputin


Eurovision Song Contest 2022 - Grand Final. Ukraine is the winner!

Ukraine is the winner.

The Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 will take place on Saturday 14 May live from the PalaOlimpico, Turin, Italy. A total of 25 artists will perform in the Grand Final in the following order: 

1. 🇨🇿 Czech Republic: We Are Domi – Lights Off 
2. 🇷🇴 Romania: WRS – Llámame 
3. 🇵🇹 Portugal: MARO – Saudade, Saudade 
4. 🇫🇮 Finland: The Rasmus – Jezebel 
5. 🇨🇭 Switzerland: Marius Bear – Boys Do Cry 
6. 🇫🇷 France: Alvan Ahez – Fulenn 
7. 🇳🇴 Norway: Subwoolfer – Give That Wolf A Banana 
8. 🇦🇲 Armenia: Rosa Linn – Snap 
9. 🇮🇹 Italy: Mahmood Blanco – Brividi 
10. 🇪🇸 Spain: Chanel – SloMo 
11. 🇳🇱 Netherlands: S10 – De Diepte 
12. 🇺🇦 Ukraine: Kalush Orchestra – Stefania 
13. 🇩🇪 Germany: Malik Harris – Rockstars 
14. 🇱🇹 Lithuania: Monika Liu – Sentimentai 
15. 🇦🇿 Azerbaijan: Nadir Rustamli – Fade To Black 
16. 🇧🇪 Belgium: Jérémie Makiese – Miss You 
17. 🇬🇷 Greece: Amanda Georgiadi Tenfjord – Die Together 
18. 🇮🇸 Iceland: Systur – Með Hækkandi Sól 
19. 🇲🇩 Moldova: Zdob şi Zdub Advahov Brothers – Trenulețul 
20. 🇸🇪 Sweden: Cornelia Jakobs – Hold Me Closer 
21. 🇦🇺 Australia: Sheldon Riley – Not The Same 
22. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Sam Ryder – SPACE MAN 
23. 🇵🇱 Poland: Ochman – River 
24. 🇷🇸 Serbia: Konstrakta – In Corpore Sano 
25. 🇪🇪 Estonia: Stefan – Hope 

Eurovision Song Contest 2022 - Second Semi-Final - Full Show - Live Stream - Turin



 Husavik - My Home Town (Official Video) | Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga


Eurovision Song-Along (Official) - Iconic Contestants Join The Party


EUROVISION SONG CONTEST: The Story Of Fire Saga | Official Trailer | Netflix


Alexander Lemtov: Lion of Love (Eurovision 2020 Finale)


Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) Soundtrack. Double Trouble (Film Version)



舊歡如夢 Все отлично, мы будем веселиться ночь напролет. Yuppi Du, Hit The Road, Jack


Все отлично, мы будем веселиться ночь напролет.

It's great, we'll be able to find the right person.


Врубай музыку – будет праздник Тряси зад**цей так, чтобы она оторвалась. О милый – я хочу, чтобы сегодня вечером Ты отлично провел время, О мой сладкий – Я хочу только тебя
一切都好,我們會徹夜狂歡。 打開音樂 - 會有假期 搖晃你的屁股,讓它脫落。 哦寶貝-我今晚想要 你玩得很開心 哦,我的甜心—— 我只要你
It's okay, we'll party all night. Turn on the music - there will be holidays Shake your ass to take it off. oh baby i want tonight you had a great time Oh my dear- I only want you

Adriano Celentano. Yuppi Du
阿德里亞諾·塞倫塔諾。 於皮杜


【香港人,英国事】陶傑同張堅庭帶你遊Derby,看曼城,再和沈旭暉聊天 (3片段)

今天,看过陶傑在英国3片段。那个Derby很漂亮啊!!而張堅庭除了多了一点白发外,和20-30年前的表姐你好野差不多,还是很年轻。 信不信由你,陶傑去了英国后,我才认识他。

英國中部Derby尊嚴 陶傑 張堅庭帶你遊


【Portman Ventures特約:鄰家英國】陶傑視察曼城M1地王 拆解升值潛力|立即登記實體展銷會5月7、8日


【海外香港 121 🇬🇧】陶傑:英國香港共同體,一定會存續下去



六十年代香港 Hong Kong in 1960’s (片段)

在Youtube,无意间看到一60年代的香港片段,那些巴士和现在的一点不一样,而电车就没有多大的改变。首歌好像叫做“Kowloon, Hong Kong"。 








(国语中字)美M777直送烏組「立體攻擊網」 俄軍強攻頓巴斯成「絞肉機」?!-余佳璋 黃世聰 徐俊相《57爆新聞》網路獨播版-1900 2022.04.29 


銀壇鐵漢曹達華與龍劍飛; 如来神掌; 周星馳的功夫 【片段】

The Buddhist Palm 



如来神掌 The Buddhist Palm Title Sequence Remake


如來神掌 Disc 01


【彩色修復】如來神掌 第2集 - 彩色版


如來神掌3:段飛替古劍魂打通全身穴道,古劍魂重回巔峰實力; 点当用:)(真正的如來神掌3找不到, sorry)




如來神掌 續集之劈魔平九派 上集 [ 一 ]



周星馳[功夫]之如來神掌vs幻彩詠香江~A Symphony of Lights


如來神掌原音配樂 3 首 闖將令+四川將軍令+英雄們戰勝了大渡河


功夫:周星馳從天而降使出失傳已久的如來神掌,火雲邪神徹底認輸 (Sorry, it's not Cantonese)





Salut Salon "Wettstreit zu viert" and “Fußballweltmeisterschaft” (音乐片段)

今天和您们分享两个音乐片段:第一首是Salut沙龙的"Wettstreit zu viert" “四人竞争”,而第二首是他们的Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2018 32 WM-Hymnen 2018 年足球世界杯 - 1 分 56 秒的 32 首世界杯国歌,很好听和有趣。 

 Salut Salon "Wettstreit zu viert" | "Competitive Foursome" Salut
沙龙“四人竞争” | “竞争四人组”


Antonio Vivaldi's "Sommer" wird zum Schauplatz eines musikalischen Wettkampfs. Salut Salon fechten ihn akrobatisch aus, und mit viel Humor - ein Klassiker des Hamburger Quartetts. Ein Konzertmitschnitt aus dem Film "Salut Salon. Der Film" von Regisseur Ralf Pleger. 

In a music competition, Salut Salon performed acrobatically and with a special sense of humor -- this is a Salut Salon classic, a live recording from the movie "Salut Salon. The Movie", directed by music filmmaker Ralf Pleger. 

利用网上翻译: 音乐比赛: Salut Salon 以杂技和幽默的方式进行战斗 - 汉堡四重奏的经典之作。 导演拉尔夫·普莱格 (Ralf Pleger) 的电影“Salut Salon. Der Film”的音乐会录音。 安东尼奥·维瓦尔第创作的《夏天》成为音乐比赛的舞台。 

 SALUT SALON feat. Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2018 - 32 WM-Hymnen in 1:56 
敬礼沙龙壮举。 2018 年足球世界杯 - 1 分 56 秒的 32 首世界杯国歌


Salut Salon haben als musikalische Antwort auf die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2018 die sportliche Herausforderung angenommen und singen die Hymnen der teilnehmenden Nationen in unter 2 Minuten. 

利用网上翻译:作为对 2018 年世界杯的音乐回应,Salut Salon 接受了体育挑战,并在不到 2 分钟的时间内演唱了参赛国的国歌。 

他们的website是: www.salut-salon.com


'Stand By Me' (Lyrics)+ The Concert for Ukraine | ITV 【片段】

Concert For Ukraine – a star-studded event raising money for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. 

Featuring Camila Cabello, Ed Sheeran, Emeli Sande, Gregory Porter, Snow Patrol, Nile Rodgers and Chic, Becky Hill, The Kingdom Choir, Manic Street Preachers, Anne-Marie, Paloma Faith and Tom Odell 

 A Beautiful Performance From The Kingdom Choir of 'Stand By Me' | ITV


 Concert for Ukraine - Full Concert | ITV



 When the night has come 
And the land is dark 
And the moon is the only light we'll see 
No I won't be afraid, no 
I won't be afraid 
Just as long as you stand, stand by me


So darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me 
Stand stand by me, stand by me 

 [Verse 2] 

If the sky that we look upon 
Should tumble and fall 
And the mountains should crumble to the sea 
I won't cry, I won't cry, no 
I won't shed a tear 
Just as long as you stand, stand by me 


And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now 
Stand by me Stand by stand by me stand by me 
 Darlin', darlin', stand by me, stand by me 
Stand by me stand by me stand by me 
Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me 
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me 
 Darlin', darlin', stand by me, stand by me 
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
歌詞 (翻译) 

 當夜幕降臨 大地一片漆黑 月亮是我們唯一能看到的光 不,我不會害怕,不,我不會害怕 只要你站著就站在我身邊


所以親愛的,親愛的,支持我,哦,現在支持我 站在我身邊,站在我身邊

 [第 2 節] 

如果我們仰望的天空 應該跌倒 山應該崩塌成大海 我不會哭,我不會哭,我不會流淚 只要你站著就站在我身邊


親愛的,親愛的,站在我身邊,哦,現在 站在我身邊 站在我身邊 站在我身邊 親愛的,親愛的,支持我,支持我 站在我身邊 站在我身邊 站在我身邊 每當你遇到麻煩時你會不會站在我身邊,哦,現在站在我身邊 哦,在我身邊,在我身邊,在我身邊,在我身邊 親愛的,親愛的,支持我,支持我 哦,在我身邊,在我身邊,在我身邊,在我身邊



上次,我讲到,東方不敗獲武林秘笈葵花寶典後,不惜自宮苦練,希望武統江湖,但外貌上卻越發像女人模樣。一日他(她)与令狐冲相遇,旋即一見鍾情… 后来,在第3集,发现最爱还是雪千尋。 


再看第二集,原来东方不败是有勾结外国势力的,外国势力就是一位東瀛忍者,猿飛日月。可能犯了明朝的“朝安法”啦。 (if there is one)

那么,東方不敗又是点死的? 点死我唔知,但第3集是有hint的: 










 (片段1的@53:02分钟;作者:黄沾;Reference 1) 

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【讲电影】 華山大弟子令狐冲與師妹往野店與任盈盈會面,才得知盈及父,日月教教主任我行同告失蹤,而右使東方不敗則暫代教主。東方不敗獲武林秘笈葵花寶典後,不惜自宮苦練,不忘初心,希望一統江湖,但外貌上卻越發像女人模樣。一日令狐冲與東方不敗相遇,旋即一見鍾情… 

 【睇电影】片段1 【8號電影院】笑傲江湖II東方不敗(Swordsman II) | 李連杰、林青霞、關之琳、李嘉欣 |香港電影|Hong Kong Movie|粵語中字|美亞


[The World] 輝瑞公司的 Paxlovid Vs 默克的Molnupiravir - 有效率, 和風險

許多醫生和衛生官員預計輝瑞公司的 Paxlovid 將成為 COVID-19 的首選藥物。 在臨床中,Paxlovid 比"默克-Ridgeback" 的 molnupiravir 更有效,所以,監管機構和指南建議盡可能使用 Paxlovid。 (1) 

 莫努匹韋molnupiravir在其關鍵研究中的有效率僅為 30%,遠低於 Paxlovid 或抗體療法的有效率。 進一步, 一些醫生還對這種藥物如何通過在其遺傳密碼中引入錯誤來阻止病毒提出了安全擔憂。(1) 

 輝瑞的藥丸Paxlovid在預防 COVID-19 住院和死亡方面的有效性接近 90%,而莫努匹韋molnupiravir的有效率為 30%。 (3) 

 根據參考1,截至 2 月 25 日,超過 74,700 個 Merck-Ridgeback 藥丸(molnupiravir)的處方被填寫。Paxlovid 的處方超過 79,150 個。 (1) 

 醫生說他們轉向了莫努匹拉韋monupiravir,尤其是在最近的 omicron 激增期間,通常是因為 Paxlovid 供應有限,而且一些抗體藥物對新變體不起作用。 此外,一些患者無法服用 Paxlovid,因為將其與他們服用的其他藥物混合可能會造成傷害。(1) 



 David Bookstaver 的 COVID-19 檢測呈陽性時,他患有高血壓. David 已完全接種疫苗並加強了免疫,當時並沒有感到不適。醫生給藥房開了一張新藥的處方,他的妻子拿起他的藥帶回家。但是當他閱讀藥物信息時,David震驚了:因為他已經服用的膽固醇藥物——以及他剛剛開的血壓藥物——被列為與 Paxlovid 有潛在的有害相互作用 .最後,David 說他選擇不使用這處方。 (2)

 根據參考2,Paxlovid 的獨特效果來自其兩種抗病毒成分的協同作用。 一部分阻斷了分解抗病毒藥物的酶,導致體內兩種藥物的含量很高。 一長串(long list)其他常見藥物也使用這種酶——就像David已經服用的他汀類藥物(statins)一樣。

David在同一天開始使用的降壓藥氨氯地平amlodipine是另一種使用這些肝酶的藥物。 這些典型的良性藥物在與 Paxlovid 一起服用時會有效地過量服用。(2) 

 其中一些相互作用是絕對禁忌症,必須停止,而其他相互作用是最小的,被認為是相對的相互作用.(2) 吃藥前,最好與您的醫生討論 - 明白使用藥物的優勢和風險。 



 三月初 ,世界衛生組織 (WHO) 的一個小組支持默克公司的 COVID-19 抗病毒藥丸用於高危患者。專家小組有條件地為免疫功能低下(immunocompromised)、未接種疫苗、老年人和慢性病患者等有高住院風險的非嚴重疾病(non-severe disease)患者推薦了藥物莫努匹拉韋molnupiravir。 (3) 


 1 月,專家組建議將 ELI LILLY 的 baricitinib 與皮質類固醇聯合用於重症 COVID-19 患者,並有條件地批准 GLAXOSMITHKLINE 和 Vir Biotechnology 的抗體療法用於住院風險最高的非重症患者。(3) 


Molnupiravir 的副作用看来不多。请跟医生讨论一下。

In a study, adverse events (all grades regardless of causality) in the PAXLOVID group (≥1%) that occurred at a greater frequency (≥5 subject difference) than in the placebo group were dysgeusia (6% and <1%, respectively), diarrhea (3% and 2%), hypertension (1% and <1%), and myalgia (1% and <1%). (Paxlovid's Insert)
PAXLOVID的副作用看来也不多,比Molnupiravir 只是多一点点。



(1) Merck’s COVID-19 pill heavily used so far despite concerns, Fox News, 3/15/2022 https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/merck-e2-80-99s-covid-19-pill-heavily-used-so-far-despite-concerns/ar-AAV50Kc?ocid=BingNewsSearch (2) The COVID pill is a game-changer, but for some it might be a danger: Experts, ABC News, 3/30/2022. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/the-covid-pill-is-a-game-changer-but-for-some-it-might-be-a-danger-experts/ar-AAVGbzX?ocid=uxbndlbing (3) WHO recommends Merck's COVID pill for high-risk patients Reuters March 2, 2022 https://news.yahoo.com/recommends-mercks-covid-pill-high-230713616.html


【The World】Pfizer來治療COVID-19的重症的Paxlovid - 要注意的地方


 Paxlovid包含了兩個藥物-nirmatrelvir和ritonavir。 Nirmatrelivir是可以抑制SARS-CoV-2 Mproenzyme的活動, Nirmatrelvir係用于代謝嘅細胞色素P450 CYP3A4嘅底物(substrate)。

 Ritonavir是一種HIV藥物,可抑制CYP3A4並減緩Nirmatrelvir的代謝,從而增強Nirmatrelvir的抗病毒活性的功效。 但很多藥物都是和CYP3A4有關的,所以,用Paxlovid時,同時服用某些藥物是有風險的。 

另一方面,它也可能觸發肝病,也可能提高對HIV蛋白酶抑製劑產生抵抗性的風險。 需要先和醫生討論才服用此藥物,如果治療成功,是可以讓我們回復正常生活。


 Do not take PAXLOVID if: 

• You are allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of the ingredients in PAXLOVID. 
病人對nirmatrelvir, ritonavir或PAXLOVID中的任何成分過敏。 

• You are taking any of the following medicines: 
o Alfuzosin 
o Pethidine, propoxyphene 
o Ranolazine 
o Amiodarone, dronedarone, flecainide, propafenone, quinidine 
o Colchicine 
o Lurasidone, pimozide, clozapine 
o Dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, methylergonovine 
o Lovastatin, simvastatin 
o Sildenafil (Revatio®) for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) 
o Triazolam, oral midazolam 
o Apalutamide 
o Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin 
o Rifampin 
o St. John’s Wort (hypericum perforatum)

 Taking PAXLOVID with these medicines may cause serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how PAXLOVID works 

These are not the only medicines that may cause serious side effects if taken with PAXLOVID. 

PAXLOVID may increase or decrease the levels of multiple other medicines. 

與這些藥物一起服用 PAXLOVID 可能會導致嚴重或危及生命的副作用或影響 PAXLOVID 的效力和方式

如果與 PAXLOVID 一起服用,這些並不是唯一可能導致嚴重副作用的藥物。

PAXLOVID 可能會增加或減少多種其他藥物的水平。

 Possible side effects of PAXLOVID are:  

• Allergic Reactions. 過敏反應 Allergic reactions can happen in people taking PAXLOVID, even after only 1 dose. 

Stop taking PAXLOVID and call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction: 
o hives 麻疹 
o trouble swallowing or breathing 吞嚥或呼吸困難 
o swelling of the mouth, lips, or face 口腔、嘴唇或面部腫脹 
o throat tightness 喉嚨發緊
o hoarseness 聲音嘶啞
o skin rash 皮疹 

• Liver Problems. 肝臟問題。 Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these signs and symptoms of liver problems: loss of appetite, yellowing of your skin and the whites of eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine, pale colored stools and itchy skin, stomach area (abdominal) pain. 

• Resistance to HIV Medicines. If you have untreated HIV infection, PAXLOVID may lead to some HIV medicines not working as well in the future. 
·對愛滋病毒藥物的耐藥性。 如果病人有未經治療的HIV感染,PAXLOVID可能會導致一些HIV藥物在未來不起作用。 

• Other possible side effects include: 
 o altered sense of taste 
 o diarrhea 
 o high blood pressure 
 o muscle aches 

These are not all the possible side effects of PAXLOVID. 

Not many people have taken PAXLOVID. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen. PAXLOVID is still being studied, so it is possible that all of the risks are not known at this time 
冇幾多人服用過PAXLOVID。 可能會發生嚴重和意想不到的副作用。 PAXLOVID仍在研究中,因此目前可能尚不清楚所有風險 。


1. Heather Eng et al, Drug Metab Dispos. 2022 Feb 13. 
2. Drug product insert。


我利用MSN资料,计算3月9日的死亡和新增的比例 = 291 (death)/ 31402 (new case) =0.92%。 其他地方的death rate是和流感差不多的,在0.1-0.19之间。

我们从数据了解一下原因吧: 有则COVID19的报道:醫管局總3月9日公布,3月8日新增196名新冠肺炎病人離世,再創新高。涉及127男、69女,年齡介乎24至107歲。當中24歲男病人來自院舍,本身有先天性遺傳病。死者之中113人來自院舍;148人無接種任何新冠疫苗,34人接種一針、12人接種兩針、2人接種三針疫苗。185人是65歲或以上長者。(1)哪,我早前提过打疫苗的重要性,148+34+12 = 194。 死亡的而没完成3針的疫苗有98%。(當然,都可以由其他角度去解析) 


 (1) https://www.msn.com/zh-hk/news/localnews/%e7%ac%ac5%e6%b3%a2%e7%96%ab%e6%83%85%ef%bd%9c%e5%a2%9e196%e5%90%8d%e7%97%85%e4%ba%ba%e9%9b%a2%e4%b8%96%e5%89%b5%e6%96%b0%e9%ab%98%e4%bb%8b%e4%b9%8e24%e8%87%b3107%e6%ad%b2-%e8%bf%bd%e5%8a%a098%e4%ba%ba%e6%9f%93%e7%96%ab%e4%ba%a1/ar-AAUVndM?li=BBqiXNi (2) https://www.bing.com/search?q=%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1+%E6%96%B0%E5%86%A0%E8%82%BA%E7%82%8E+&form=PRHKZH&httpsmsn=1&msnews=1&refig=612c1a37835946f6ba88090dd89415f0&sp=-1&pq=%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1+%E6%96%B0%E5%86%A0%E8%82%BA%E7%82%8E+&sc=0-8&qs=n&sk=&cvid=612c1a37835946f6ba88090dd89415f0


【COVID-19】在美国,COVID-19 有哪些治療方法?

在美国,COVID-19 有哪些治療方法? 

 Bebtelovimab 2022 年 2 月 11 日 FDA批准貝布特洛單抗用於治療輕度至中度COVID-19的高風險、非住院患者. Bebtelovimab是一種重組中和人單克隆抗體,與SARS-CoV-2的刺突蛋白結合。根據體外數據,貝布替洛單抗預計將對廣泛的SARS-CoV-2變體具有活性(可能可以以用于:),包括B.1.1.529(Omicron)關注變體(VOC)及其BA.1和BA.2亞變體。 

 FDA建議 (三月 二日, 2022年) 

首選療法 對於有進展為嚴重疾病高風險的輕至中度 COVID-19 非住院患者,專家組建議使用以下療法之一(按優先順序列出): 
 法1: Nirmatrelvir 300 mg with ritonavir 100 mg (Paxlovid) 每天兩次口服,連續5天 , ,在年齡≥12 歲且體重≥40 kg 的人群中,應在症狀出現後 5 天內盡快開始(AIIa)。 
 法2: Sotrovimab 500 mg 作為單次靜脈 (IV) 輸注,在 12 歲且體重 ≥40 kg (AIIa) 的 ≥人群中,在癥狀發作后 7 天內儘快給葯。 
法3: Remdesivir 200 mg IV on Day 1, 隨後在第2天和第3天給予瑞德西韋100mg靜脈注射,每日1次,在12歲≥年齡≥40 kg(BIIa)的患者,在癥狀出現后7天內儘快開始使用。 

代療法 如果對於高危、非住院患者,沒有一種首選療法可用、可行或臨床上合適(例如,由於藥物間相互作用、與腎功能或肝功能相關的顧慮),評估小組建議使用以下1種療法: 替代療法1: Bebtelovimab 175 mg 作為單次靜脈輸注,在年齡≥12 歲和體重≥40 kg 的患者中,應在症狀出現後 7 天內盡快給藥. 替代療法2: Molnupiravir 800 mg 口服,每日兩次,持續 5 天,在 18 歲≥患者中,儘快開始,並在癥狀發作后 5 天內開始。 

 家組贊成利ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir, sotrovimab, or remdesivir作為這些患者的首選療法,主要是基於在隨機、安慰劑對照試驗中治療患者的住院或死亡減少 79% 至 88%,以及 試劑對 Omicron VOC 的體外活性。 

 果ritonavir-boosted nirmatrelvir, sotrovimab, or remdesivir不可用、不可行或臨床上不適用,專家組建議使用bebtelovimab (CIII) or molnupiravir (CIIa)。 

 以上是在FDA網站抓到的,資料只是供大家參考用,內容可能也有錯誤,用任何葯必須先和醫生討論。原文詳細資訊: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/statement-on-bebtelovimab/?utm_source=site&utm_medium=home&utm_campaign=highlights

DAY 9 基輔必須連結歐洲及世界


【香港記事】 對於Omicron的防護工作, 香港醫護人員非常出色!

第5波疫情嚴峻,截至昨日(3日)第5波疫情已錄得逾過28萬宗確診,920名確診者離世。當局分析頭520宗離世個案,其中有91%未有完成接種兩劑疫苗。食物及衞生局副局長徐德義指,在這波疫情長者及兒童明顯受到影響,呼籲接種疫苗刻不容緩。 (1) 计算下,百分比是0.33%。 

據路透社報導,香港週四報告了創紀錄的每日56,827例新冠肺炎感染病例和144例死亡 (2) 百分比是0.25%。 

而一般流感是0.1%-0.19%。(3) 因为COVID-19 的 Omicron是有针对性的,而香港人口密集,加上建築物的機構,防護是非常困難的。而百分比只是稍高,所以,香港的醫護人員做得非常出色!可以借鏡。高峰一过就下降。祝大家身體健康,多休息。









【香港記事】流感VsOmicron的傳播率, 變異和死亡率

A。2月14日,香港新增確案是2071而2死亡。 而一位是老人家,一位是小朋友。 目前的百分比和流感差不多,可能還要低。 主要是Omicron。 在美國,我有不少認識的人都中了omicron, 他們的主要癥狀都是喉痛,他們都是在家休息幾天然後回復工作了。 聽说在英國中了Omicron的人,轻症的也是在家中休息下。 但他們全都打了三針mRNA疫苗,年齡在60以下。 

 B。為了確認我的觀察結論,我考察了一些新聞和文獻。 (看下一段) 在美國2014-2018的流感死亡比例是0.1-0.17,而今次我用單日2月14日來分析:在2月14日香港新增確案是2071而2死亡,百分比是0.096%。 上一段我已說明如果COVID是Omicron,防護工作,疫苗,非常重要。

 C。 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), preliminary data on the 2018-2019 influenza season in the United States shows an estimated 35,520,883 cases and 34,157 deaths; that would mean a case-fatality rate of 0.09 percent. Case-fatality rates on previous seasons are as follows: 0.136 percent (2017-2018), 0.131 percent (2016-2017), 0.096 percent (2015-2016), and 0.17 percent (2014-2015). (4) 

 D。 年齡小和60或以上需要非常小心,重要的是打了3疫苗(需要考慮副作用; 每個人的體能反應是不一樣的;和醫生討論)和做好防護工作。 

 E。 流感的傳播率和變異是否與 OMINCRON 有分別呢? 

 傳播率的比较: Omicron 厲害很多:For the flu, the R0 tends to be between 1 and 2, which means that for every person infected with the flu, they will infect one to two more people. For the original COVID-19 variant, the R0 is higher than the flu, between 2 and 3. Delta is more than twice as contagious as previous variants of COVID-19, with an R0 that is estimated to be between 5-7. Omicron to be about 3 times as infectious as the Delta variant (1),while an article says R0 for omicron is 30s! (2) 

 變異的比较: 一般的SARS的變異率和流感差不多,但COVID-19那個就快很多,因為在短時間內,多了很多的變種。Like influenza viruses, RSV, enteroviruses, and rhinoviruses, which cause the common cold, SARS-CoV-2 carries its genetic information on a strand of RNA. And compared with other RNA viruses, "[the mutation] rate in SARS-CoV-2 is not particularly remarkable. But, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, may appear to evolve more mutations due to the fact that it's much more transmissible than other common viruses, resulting in many more cases. (3) 

F。 對Omicron需要動態清零嗎?相信大家心中都有答案了。



(1) COVID-19 and Influenza Surveillance - Coronavirus (virginia.gov) 
(2) Beyond Omicron: what’s next for COVID’s viral evolution (nature.com) 
(3) Do other viruses have as many variants as SARS-CoV-2? | Live Science 
(4) https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/missouri-records-233-new-covid-19-deaths/



【香港記事】 香港应该应用动态清零于流感吗?


7 天: 平均新COVID19案例是319,那么共 2233
7 天:平均死案例是1, 那么共7


2017年,香港地区有14700多人因流感住院,其中327人死亡。(1)百分比是:2.2%。 如此,单是应付流感,香港每年都需要经常要动态清零law!!


后加: (1)如果只是重症才住院, 那么,百分比是可能提高很多, 就可以解析到->流感不需要动态清零。(2)我用7天的data是因为现在的疫苗百分比比之前高了很多,而omicron的影响和以往的不一样。


【香港記事】TVB電視劇 青春不要臉

我重新寫blog係因為我對以往嘅香港仲有一種情懷,我想將喺香港同相關嘅事情記錄落嚟。刚好TVB出了一套電視劇,青春不要臉,此電視劇是以1980年代的香港電視行業作為故事情景,劇中若干角色之設定亦以當時的電視台藝員作為藍本,加上電視劇的配乐,环境,我觀看此節目時,有很大的回响。以下是青春不要臉的以下片段。 青春不要臉|第5集精華|阻人收工犯眾憎!|丁子朗|余德丞
青春不要臉 | 第4集 | 化妝舞會,竟然有人來踩場?!
青春不要臉 | 第9集 | 現代楊過保護姑姑,真係絕配!
Reference: https://www.weekendhk.com/entertainment/%e4%b8%81%e5%ad%90%e6%9c%97-%e9%9d%92%e6%98%a5%e4%b8%8d%e8%a6%81%e8%87%89-%e5%91%a8%e6%98%9f%e9%a6%b3-%e4%bb%96%e4%be%86%e8%87%aa%e6%b1%9f%e6%b9%96-org094-plt3-1260193/
Reference: https://www.weekendhk.com/entertainment/%e9%9d%92%e6%98%a5%e4%b8%8d%e8%a6%81%e8%87%89-%e4%bc%8d%e6%a8%82%e6%80%a1-%e4%bd%99%e5%be%b7%e4%b8%9e-plt6-1255844/4/


地方街头新年活动: 高雄,越南 ,上海,新加波,曼谷,纽约,悉尼,倫敦,香港,蕭生,屈穎妍,ANNIE,林SIR等的关于新年的片段

各位,新年好! 再祝各位身體健康,虎年行大運,今日我哋睇下一些各地嘅新年活動: 

2022台灣燈會在高雄 光啟愛河灣·武營晚點名
越南阮惠花街 Nguyen Hue Flower Street - Lunar New Year In Vietnam 2022
新加波 Singapore - Bangkit Market (Art Street) 万吉 - Chinese New Year 2022 [4K]
大年初一的曼谷唐人街 ...熱鬧情況
纽约唐人街 大年初一 狮子拜年
Sydney Chinatown| 悉尼唐人街新年氣氛
Chinatown London
Hongkong Chinese New Year 2022 (从非香港人去看香港新春)



祝各位:農曆新年糸快,身體健康,心想事成!! 加糸明志嘅兩隻老虎,加溫拿,CCTV節目,TVB 糸年金曲等,。(當我linked到CCTV嘅片段,大約數小時內,CCTV就將佢嘅片段變成private,我哋係睇唔到嘅。但我決定唔將片段位置刪除。大家可以跳去看黃明志的虎年賀歲歌曲)。。




温拿乐队重聚!「2022央视春晚」| CCTV春晚
《2022中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会》 20220131 1/4|CCTV春晚
黃明志虎年賀歲歌曲 【Two Tigers 兩隻老虎】
ไหว้พระขอพรรับตรุษจีน วัดเก่าแก่ของชาวจีน 5 เชื้อสาย | เก๋อ่ะแก Ep.56 
 祈求中國新年 Ep.56|嘅五個中國古代寺廟 (可以用Youtube英文翻译)
วิชาการศรีเกิดเปิดวัฒนธรรมจีน ครั้งที่ 15 


【The World】 BIG WOK 巨型冰山A68a破裂漂釋放1520億噸淡水

A68a冰山釋放1520億噸淡水,這是會把水位上升很多,也會改變當地的生態環境。 我們先看看影片(有中有英): 
Iceberg the size of Delaware is floating around South Atlantic Ocean (一年前;英文)
A68a iceberg released 152 billions tons of fresh water - (UK) (4日前;英文)  
巨型冰山A68a破裂漂向南喬治亞島 - 20201224 (比埋日期,我不讲几多日前;中文)  
【將冰山劈開】 羅敏莊/阮兆祥/王祖藍 (娱乐吓,I miss 97前香港 a lot)  
梅艷芳 ANITA MUI – 將冰山劈開 [1986年度十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮 得獎歌曲]



一些線民對陶大宇的演唱倒轉地球的評語:成首歌既精髓就係個啲噓噓哈唏 美中不足係唱得太好了 好歌,好演員,娛樂觀眾無底線 人地笑我傻,我笑他人看不穿,真心尊敬佢做人態度。 呢首係最好嘅中文歌。 我都覺得陶大宇唱得很好! 片段如下

倒轉地球(非柒頭版)Cover 廣州海珠橋 向陶大宇致


Rubber Electrolytes-based Batteries and Electric Vehicles

In most lithium-ion batteries, ions are moved by a liquid electrolyte. However, a slight damage of the battery may cause leakage of electrolyte, causing explosion or fire. Thus, people are looking into alternatives such as solid-state batteries, which can be made using inorganic ceramic material or organic polymers. Elastomers, or synthetic rubbers have superior mechanical properties. It has been found that this material when formulated into a 3D structure, acted as a superhighway for fast lithium-ion transport with superior mechanical toughness, resulting in longer charging batteries that can go farther. A team made of scientist from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and Georgia Institute of Technology is working on the rubber battery development. (1) 

 According to Reference 1, this rubber electrolyte is made during a simple polymerization process at low temperatures, this process generates robust and smooth interfaces on the surface of electrodes. These unique characteristics of the rubber electrolytes prevent lithium dendrite growth but allow a faster moving ions! 

 According to Reference 2, The rubber electrolyte-based lithium metal batteries allow high energy density exceeding 410 Watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kgelectrode+electrolyte) and maintained a high energy density of 235 Wh/kgelectrode+electrolyte at a power density of 184 Wh/kgelectrode+electrolyte. Thus, electric vehicles equipped with the rubber electrolytes-based Li batteries can travel over 490 miles on a single charge, while that with conventional Li-ion batteries can do only 310 miles.
Scientists from Georgia Tech; Photo: Georgia Tech 


 References (1) https://techxplore.com/news/2022-01-rubber-material-key-long-lasting-safer.html (2) https://www.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/tb/stories/blog/40658


Shortage of Semiconductors and Demand in Used Cars

Semiconductors are substances with properties somewhere between a conductor and an insulator; conductors conduct electricity and insulators do not conduct electricity. Integrated circuits (ICs), diodes, transistors and other electronic discrete components are made of semiconductors, whereas the materials of semiconductors are gallium arsenide,indium antimonide,germanium and mainly silicon. Silicon forms most of ICs. (1)

Metals, semiconductors and insulators are distinguished from each others by their band structures. Their band structures are shown in the figure below.
In metals, the conduction band and the valence band are very closer to each other. In semiconductors and insulators, the valance band and conduction band are separated by a forbidden energy gap(Eg)of sufficient width. In semiconductors at room temperature, the band gap is small, electrons jump the gap fairly easily, given the semiconductor limited conductivity. Semiconductor crystal used for ICs is high purity single crystal silicon, but impurities are often added to modify the electrical properties. Depending on the added impurities, there are n-type and p-type semiconductors. For details, please review Reference 1. 

 A semiconductor chip is an electric circuit with many transistors and wiring formed on a semiconductor wafer. An IC comprises numerous these components. A semiconductor is made by two steps: wafer processing and front-end process and back-end process. Wafer processing is further divided into deposition, photoresist coating, and etching. For details, please review Reference 1. These steps are tedious process, requiring precision and skills. Semiconductors are in short supply because of big demand for electronics and effects from former President Donald Trump’s trade war. (2) 

Later, because of COVID-19, supply chains are disturbed. This worsens the situation. In the year 2021, semiconductor chip shortage costs the global automotive industry maybe up to USD200 billion or more in revenue. These shortages have slowed down several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in production; thus, further extending the waiting period of certain vehicle models. As a result (one of the results), used car sellers across markets, including India, are enjoying a boom in demand. (3) 

 Reference: (1) https://www.hitachi-hightech.com/global/products/device/semiconductor/about.html. (2) https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/10/whats-causing-the-chip-shortage-affecting-ps5-cars-and-more.html#:~:text=Semiconductors%20are%20in%20short%20supply%20because%20of%20big,coming%20months%20as%20demand%20remains%20higher%20than%20ever. (3) https://home.kpmg/in/en/blogs/home/posts/2022/01/semiconductor-chip-shortage-manufacturers-suppliers-mantra.html

Who make semiconductors for Tesla, Ford and GM?

Who makes semiconductors for Tesla? I would guess, it is Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSM), because it is the largest manufacturer in the world. Nope, my guess is wrong. According to the reference that I am reading, it is Samsung Electronics Co. Samsung will manufacture Tesla Inc.’s next-generation hardware 4 (HW 4.0) chip for its fully autonomous driving technology. (1) 

 What semiconductor company does Ford use? I would guess, it is TSM. My guess is wrong again. According to Reference 1, it is going to be GlobalFoundries Inc. 

 Who make semiconductors for GM? I am not going to guess this time, Reference 1 says Qualcomm Inc., STMicroelectronics NV, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Renasas Electronics Corp., ON Semiconductor Corp., NXP Semiconductors NV and Infineon Technologies AG are the chips supplier for GM. 

 Let's go back to talk about Ford: 

Due to significant consumer demand, Ford has announced it will make 150k of the trucks a year by 2023 at a Michigan plant (~4x its initial output estimate). (2) Ford Motor’s 2021 sales fell 6.8% from the year-earlier period but ends with strong fourth quarter. Ford had a wonderful fourth quarter, selling 508,451 vehicles, a 27% increase over the previous quarter. Overall, the U.S. automotive industry sold 15.1 million vehicles in 2021, Ford sold 1.9 million vehicles. Ford is at the third-place U.S. sales position behind General Motors (GM) and Toyota Motor. (3) 

Ford Moter Company CEO is James “Jim” D. Farley, Jr., effective October 1, 2020. In his previous role as Chief Operating Officer, Farley worked to strengthen Ford’s automotive operations, Farley also represents Ford on the U.S. China Business Council Board of Directors and has been appointed co-chair of the Future of Mobility Commission. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics, UCLA, he graduated from the Anderson School of Management with a degree in management. (4)
How Ford CEO Jim Farley Plans to Transform an American Icon | Leading Through Change | Salesforce (Note: This interview was done about a year ago.)


(1) https://erinbethea.com/who-makes-semiconductors/ 
(2) https://thehustle.co/01142022-ford-ev/ 
(3) https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/05/fords-2021-sales-down-6point8percent-but-finishes-year-with-strong-fourth-quarter.html 
(4) https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/people/james-d--farley--jr-.html


Tesla's Batteries

What is the most expensive part in an electric vehicle? Semiconductors, since we are in shortage of semiconductors. Probably not, I heard it is the battery. A Finnish man bought his Tesla in 2013, and now, mechanics said he’d need the “whole battery cell” replaced, at a price of 20,000 euros, or about $23,900. (1) 

 Tesla has signed an agreement last month with Australia's Syrah Resources, which operates one of the world’s largest graphite mines in the southern African country. It's a unique partnership between an electric vehicle manufacturer and a producer of the mineral that is critical for lithium-ion batteries, according to the news that I read. Tesla will buy the material processed from its plant in Vidalia, Louisiana, and it sources graphite from its mine in Balama, Mozambique. Tesla plans to buy up 80% of what the plant produces about 8,000 tons of graphite annually — starting in 2025. Syrah must prove the material based on Tesla’s standards. (2) 

 According to other sources, Tesla is changing the battery cell chemistry that it uses in its standard range vehicles. As mentioned above, the new batteries will use a lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) chemistry rather than nickel-cobalt-aluminum which Tesla will continue to use in its longer-range vehicles. The move is likely a way for Tesla to increase profit margins on its cars, while not necessarily having to raise prices. In fact, Tesla is already making vehicles with LFP chemistry at its factory in Shanghai, and the top producers of these types of battery cells are CATL and BYD. Tesla is already procuring batteries from CATL, Tesla sells those cars in China, the Asia-Pacific region, and Europe. (3) 

New 4680 Battery has a much longer driving range:

 1. https://nypost.com/2021/12/24/tesla-explodes-after-mechanics-charge-man-23k-for-new-battery/ 2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/tesla-inks-deal-to-get-key-battery-component-outside-china/ar-AASPwKE?ocid=BingNewsSearch 3. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/20/tesla-switching-to-lfp-batteries-in-all-standard-range-cars.html


From General Motors, Ford's Lightning pickup, to Tesla's Cybertruck

Chip shortage makes General Motors no longer the top seller of vehicles in the US, as of January 4, 2022. Toyota, which reportedly sold about 114,000 more vehicles than GM in 2021. GM reported that total sales were down almost 13 percent last year due to semiconductor shortages and GM has had to cut features from some vehicles, such as wireless chargers and HD radios, due to supply issues. (Source: https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/4/22867285/gm-toyota-us-top-selling-automaker-chip-shortage)

Meanwhile, GM on last Tuesday (1/4/2022) introduced CarBravo, a website that will list all the used car inventory across GM's participating dealerships as well as used cars owned by GM and its finance arm. According to the news that I am reading, there are 400,000 used vehicles in dealer inventory on an ongoing basis. For sure, this will promote GM's business. Currently, dealers sell about 2.5 million used cars a year. GM and GM Financial have an additional 500,000 used cars in stock each year. (https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/general-motors/2022/01/11/gm-carbravo-used-vehicle-car-retail-carmax-carvana/9171201002/) 

 Another source points out that GM made it the rule that lease holders could no longer sell their vehicles outside the GM dealership network at the end of the term, which should help to bolster the available inventory on CarBravo. (https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a38738514/gm-launches-carbravo-sales-website/) 

 Andrew Bary, Barron, named GM as one of his top stock picks for 2022, he believes General Motors is fast becoming one of the most exciting players in the electric-vehicle space. (https://www.barrons.com/articles/buy-gm-stock-pick-evs-51642111070) 

 Well, I won't disagree with him. On the other hand, Ford and Tesla are also key players in the EV industry. Ford CEO Jim Farley, leading the company’s battery vehicle plans, said in late 2021 that it would double production of both the fast-selling Mach-E electric crossover to 80,000 units in 2022. Then later he claimed that Ford would also boost its annual production target for the new F-150 Lightning pickup to 150,000 units from a previous 80,000-truck goal. According to another news that I am reading, Ford didn’t design a completely new platform for the Lightning, it simply modifies its existing F-150 design. This decision has enabled Ford to move FASTER to market. The Lightning, unveiled in May 2021, starts with a base price of $39,974 (before federal and state incentives) and driving range of 230 miles per charge. Top-end models will cost more than $90,000. Tesla CEO Elon Musk also promised that the Cybertruck would have a base price of $39,900 and a range of 250 miles per charge. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/alanohnsman/2022/01/13/fords-amped-up-electric-vehicle-strategy-boost-shares-tops-gms-market-cap/?sh=4b0a533b365c) 

But,Recently, reference to a 2022 production schedule was scrubbed from its website, production of the vehicle won’t begin until the first quarter of 2023. (https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/13/22881646/tesla-cybertruck-production-date-2022-removed-website)