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顯示包含「Weight Control」標籤的文章。顯示所有文章


动态清零減肥法Vs 肥肉共存 Applying "Dynamic Zero-FAT" on Weight Control (港普通话, 港粤语, Konglish)



 每天都检查重量,一见到重了(重量高了), 就立即进行“高脂肪食物”隔离,





 有一段时间,决定与肥肉共存。 但肥肉不好看,同时又不健康; 






 日日都檢查重量,一見到重咗(重量高咗), 就立即進行高脂肪食物隔離,






 有一段時間,決定與肥肉共存。 但肥肉唔好睇,同時又唔健康; 




港式英语 Konglish- Hong Konger - English 

 Just a few months ago, I applied "dynamic zero clearance" to my weight management, 

 I checked my weight every day, 

 Whenever I gained weight, I avoided fatty foods, till my body weight returned back to an acceptable range. 

 I could manage my body weight very well with the method of "Dynamic Zero-FAT". 

 Once, my scale (balance) ran out of battery, I couldn't check my body weight, I ate whatever I liked. It ended up, I gained lots of weight. 

 In another occasion, I ate some non greasy food (but with super high calories), I gained lots of weight. 

 Thus, I must keep an eye on the food and body weight from time to time, It is so time-consuming. 

Thus, I decided not to do "Dynamic Zero-FAT" anymore. 

 An old man with such big belly does not look good, and it is not healthy too。

 Later, I found, exercise can help my weight control.

It turns out that a combo of "exercise" and "Dynamic Zero-FAT" is a wonderful method to manage my body weight!!

Image Credit: CNN