

卡玛拉·哈里斯在民主党全国委员会创造历史:她的演讲亮点 - 08/20/2024


在俄罗斯持续入侵期间,美国对乌克兰表现出了强有力的支持。自 2022 年 2 月战争爆发以来,美国提供了大量军事和人道主义援助,使乌克兰成为美国对外援助的最大接受国。这些援助体现了美国捍卫主权(defending sovereignty)、促进稳定(promoting stability)和反对侵略(standing against aggression)的价值观。


  • 美国革命 The American Revolution (1775-1783) 是一场反抗英国殖民统治、争取主权的斗争。这一经历塑造了美国对自决和独立的决心。
  • 门罗主义 The Monroe Doctrine (1823) 主张欧洲列强不应干涉美洲事务,强化了主权和不侵略的理念。

  • 冷战期间Cold War,美国倡导民主和个人权利,以此取代共产主义。这包括支持各国主权和反对苏联侵略。
  • 杜鲁门主义The Truman Doctrine(1947 年)承诺帮助各国抵抗共产主义影响,强调稳定和遏制。


  • 作为超级大国,美国在维护全球稳定方面发挥着领导作用。这包括支持盟友、促进民主价值观和防止侵略。
  • 北约等机构以及与日本、韩国等国的联盟反映了这一承诺。

  • 美国人身份认同American identity与自由、正义和反抗暴政的理念交织在一起。这些价值观推动了对主权的支持和反对侵略。
  • 公众情绪往往与这些原则一致,影响着外交政策决策。


  • 马歇尔计划 Marshall Plan(1948-1952):第二次世界大战后,美国通过马歇尔计划向饱受战争蹂躏的欧洲国家提供了大量经济援助。这项援助促进了稳定,重建了基础设施,并阻止了共产主义的蔓延。该计划强调受援国的主权和自决权。
  • 朝鲜战争 Korean War(1950-1953):美国介入朝鲜战争,保卫韩国免受朝鲜和共产主义势力的侵略。这场冲突维护了该地区的主权和稳定。
  • 北约 NATO(成立于 1949 年):北大西洋公约组织 (NATO) 成立的目的是在冷战期间保护成员国的主权并遏制苏联的侵略。集体防御仍然是一项核心原则,表明了对稳定和反对侵略的承诺。


Biden Praises Veterans Who 'Defend And Serve American Values'

NOTE《独立宣言》Declaration of Independence 是美国历史上的一份奠基性文件,它明确阐述了主权的价值。它指出:“为保障这些权利,人民才在人民之间建立政府,其正当权力来自被统治者的同意。”这一原则意味着一个国家有自决权和自我治理的能力,不受外部势力的不当干涉。它也是一份奠基性文件,它阐明了美国反对侵略的价值观。它意味着承诺抵御外部威胁并确保国家安全。美国革命、美西战争和冷战等事件表明了美国愿意捍卫其主权和盟国的主权。美西战争和第二次世界大战再次表明了美国反对侵略的承诺。这些冲突涉及美国为捍卫其利益及其盟国的利益而发动战争。美国宪法American Constitution是一份基础性文件,通过其制衡、权力分立和联邦制体系促进稳定。马歇尔计划Marshall Plan和柏林空运Berlin Airlift等历史事件表明美国致力于促进战后欧洲的稳定。这些举措旨在重建饱受战争蹂躏的国家,防止它们受到敌对势力的影响。 

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The American Values - defending sovereignty, promoting stability, and standing against aggression

Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, said that if he is re-elected as the leader of the USA, he will immediately end the war in Ukraine, and we don't even have to send soldiers. (ROP, 08/22/2024)

The United States has demonstrated strong support for Ukraine during the ongoing Russian invasion. Since the war began in February 2022, the U.S. has provided substantial military and humanitarian aid, making Ukraine the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid. This aid reflects American values of defending sovereignty, promoting stability, and standing against aggression.

The American commitment to defending sovereignty, promoting stability, and opposing aggression is rooted in historical context, political philosophy, and national identity. Here are some key reasons:

Historical Experience:

The American Revolution (1775-1783) was a struggle for sovereignty against British colonial rule. This experience shaped the nation’s commitment to self-determination and independence.
The Monroe Doctrine (1823) asserted that European powers should not interfere in the affairs of the Americas, reinforcing the idea of sovereignty and non-aggression.

Cold War Era:

During the Cold War, the U.S. championed democracy and individual rights as an alternative to communism. This included supporting nations’ sovereignty and opposing Soviet aggression.
The Truman Doctrine (1947) pledged to aid countries resisting communist influence, emphasizing stability and containment.

Global Leadership:

As a superpower, the U.S. assumes a leadership role in maintaining global stability. This involves supporting allies, promoting democratic values, and preventing aggression.

Institutions like NATO and alliances with Japan, South Korea, and others reflect this commitment.

National Identity:

American identity is intertwined with notions of freedom, justice, and standing up against tyranny. These values drive support for sovereignty and opposition to aggression.

Public sentiment often aligns with these principles, influencing foreign policy decisions.

In addition to the support of Ukraine against Russia's Invasion, here are three historical examples of how the United States has demonstrated these values:

Marshall Plan (1948-1952): After World War II, the U.S. provided massive economic aid to war-torn European countries through the Marshall Plan. This assistance promoted stability, rebuilt infrastructure, and prevented the spread of communism. The plan emphasized sovereignty and self-determination for recipient nations.

Korean War (1950-1953): The U.S. intervened in the Korean War to defend South Korea against aggression from North Korea and communist forces. This conflict upheld sovereignty and stability in the region.

NATO (founded 1949): The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established to protect member states’ sovereignty and deter Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Collective defense remains a core principle, demonstrating commitment to stability and standing against aggression.

In summary, American values are shaped by history, geopolitical context, and a belief in defending what is just and right.

Biden Praises Veterans Who 'Defend And Serve American Values'

NOTE The Declaration of Independence is a foundational document in American history that clearly articulates the value of sovereignty. It states, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This principle implies that a nation has the right to self-determination and the ability to govern itself without undue interference from external powers. It is also a foundational document that articulates the American value of standing against aggression. It implies a commitment to defending against external threats and ensuring the security of the nation. Events like the American Revolution, the Spanish-American War, and the Cold War demonstrate the United States' willingness to defend its sovereignty and the sovereignty of allies. Again, the Spanish-American War and World War II demonstrate the United States commitment to standing against aggression. These conflicts involved the United States going to war to defend its interests and the interests of its allies. The American Constitution is a foundational document that promotes stability through its system of checks and balances, separation of powers, and federalism. Historical events like the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift demonstrate the United States' commitment to promoting stability in post-war Europe. These initiatives aimed to rebuild war-torn nations and prevent them from falling under the influence of hostile powers.