
Google AI 建議的東京三天旅遊行程

以下是Google AI 建議的東京三天旅遊行程,涵蓋了東京的熱門景點和必去之地:


  • 上午:前往明治神宮,參觀這座供奉明治天皇和昭憲皇太后的美麗神社。神社位於代代木公園內,是東京最大的公園之一。
  • 代代木公園,東京
  • 下午:前往澀谷,這個充滿活力的地區以其人行橫道和巨型屏幕而聞名。在人行橫道上拍照,然後在該地區眾多商店和百貨公司購物。
  • 晚上:前往原宿,這個地區以其 Cosplay 和可愛時尚而聞名。漫步竹下通和表參道,這裡有許多時尚商店和咖啡館。


    • 上午:淺草是東京一個古老的街區,可以一窺傳統日本的風貌。參觀淺草寺,東京最古老的寺廟,探索仲見世通購物街,這裡有許多攤位出售傳統紀念品和食品。
    • 下午:前往上野公園,東京最大的公園之一。公園內有許多博物館,包括東京國立博物館、國立科學博物館和國立西洋美術館。您還可以參觀上野動物園或 פשוט在公園的花園中放鬆身心。
    • 晚上:在新宿享用美味晚餐,新宿是東京最繁華的地區之一,也是東京最高的摩天大樓東京都市政府大樓的所在地。


    • 上午:參觀皇居,日本天皇的住所。皇居東御苑對公眾開放,提供導覽服務。
  • 下午:前往台場,一個位於東京灣的人工島。台場有許多景點,包括東京 Joypolis 遊樂園、TeamLab Borderless 數位藝術博物館和 Palette Town 摩天輪。
    • 晚上:在東京眾多餐廳和酒吧中之一享用美味佳餚和飲品,度過您在東京的最後一個晚上。



    • 東京的公共交通系統非常發達,您可以輕鬆乘坐地鐵、火車和巴士遊覽城市。
    • 東京是一個非常昂貴的城市,因此請做好預算。
    • 東京的氣候四季分明,夏季炎熱潮濕,冬季寒冷乾燥。
    • 東京的官方語言是日語,但英語在許多旅遊區也通用。


    然后,我又用英文问GOOGLE AI:

    Tokyo is a massive city with something to offer everyone. Here's a suggested itinerary to hit the highlights over a 3-day visit:

    Day 1: Shibuya and Harajuku

    • Morning:Start your day at the Meiji Shrine, a beautiful Shinto shrine dedicated to Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shoken. The shrine is located in the middle of Yoyogi Park, one of Tokyo's largest parks.
    • Afternoon:Head to Shibuya, a vibrant district known for its pedestrian scramble crossing and giant screens. Take a photo at the crossing and do some shopping in the area's many stores and department stores.
    • Evening: Make your way to Harajuku, a district famous for its cosplay and kawaii (cute) fashion. Explore the Takeshita Street and Omotesando Street, lined with trendy shops and cafes.

    Day 2: Asakusa and Ueno

    • Morning:Asakusa is an old district of Tokyo that offers a glimpse into traditional Japan. Visit Senso-ji Temple, Tokyo's oldest temple, and explore the Nakamise-dori shopping street, lined with stalls selling traditional souvenirs and food.
    • Afternoon: Head to Ueno Park, one of Tokyo's largest parks. The park is home to several museums, including the Tokyo National Museum, the National Science Museum, and the National Museum of Western Art. You can also visit the Ueno Zoo or simply relax in the park's gardens.
    • Evening: Enjoy a delicious dinner in the lively district of Shinjuku, home to Tokyo's tallest skyscraper, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.

    Day 3: Imperial Palace and Odaiba

    • Morning:Visit the Imperial Palace, the residence of the Emperor of Japan. The East Garden of the Imperial Palace is open to the public for guided tours.
  • Afternoon:Take a trip to Odaiba, a man-made island in Tokyo Bay. Odaiba is home to a number of attractions, including the Tokyo Joypolis amusement park, the TeamLab Borderless digital art museum, and the Ferris wheel at Palette Town.
    • Evening: Enjoy your last night in Tokyo with a delicious meal and drinks in one of the city's many restaurants and bars.

    This is just a suggestion, of course, and there are many other things you could see and do in Tokyo. With its endless variety of attractions, Tokyo is a city that you can visit again and again and still find something new to discover.

    学习韩语 4



    (大家可以用GOOGLE translate看句子的中文翻译和发音。)

    여자는 선화의 의자에 앉습니다. (The woman sits in Seonhwa's chair.)

    여자들이 우체국에서 줄에 섭니다. (The women stand in line at the post office.)

    여자아이가 그 책상에 앉습니다. (The girl sits at that desk.)

    남자는 나무 의자에 앉습니다. (A man sits on a wooden check.)

    교실에 학생들이 있습니다. (There are students in the classroom。)

    우체국은 공원에 있습니다. (The post office is in the park.)

    벤치가 바닥에 있습니다. (The bench is on the floor.)

    제 아기들은 바닥에 앉습니다. (My baby sit on the floor.)

    공원이 없습니다. (There is no park). 

    바다에 공원이 없습니다. (There is no park in the ocean.)

    공원에 사람이 없습니다. (There is nobody in the park.)

    책이 도서관의 바닥에 있습니다. (The book is on the library's floor.)

    가방이 나무 위에 있습니다. (The bag is on the tree)

    가방이 교실에 있습니까? (Is the bag in the classroom?)

    우리들이 줄에 섭니다. (We stand in line).

    여자들이 우체국에서 줄에 섭니다. (The women stand in line at the post office.)

    고양이가 줄에 섭니다. (The cat stands in line.)

    학생이 방에 앉습니다. (The student sits in the room.)

    여자는 선화의 의자에 앉습니다. (The woman sits in Seonhwa's chair.)

    저는 오늘 산에 갑니다. (I'm going to a mountain today.)




    도서관 , 도로, 산, 지금,공원,빵,우체국,

    图书馆,道路,山,至今 (now), 公园,包,邮政局

    如果你唔信呀, 你可以用Google translate, 听一些那些韩字,就知道我講咩。

    粤语出現在唐朝,可以追溯到九世紀。(1)而韓文(韓文:한글)是韓國的本土文字。它是由世宗大王在十五世紀中葉創建的,作為中韓漢字漢字的補充和替代。最初被受過教育的階層譴責為“eonmun”(白話文;언문,諺文),它在 20 世紀中葉從日本獨立後才成為主要的韓國文字。

    我想可能和普通话有关。 但,普通话是在1955年才被接受。(3)




    고양이가 오늘은 빠릅니다  今天貓跑得真快

    고양이가  那隻貓        오늘은  今天      빠릅니다  它很快

    저는 요즘 괜찮습니다. 這些天我很好。

    저는 我是     요즘 最近   괜찮습니다  沒關係. (I am okay)

    개는 가족이 있습니다. 狗有家庭。

    개는 狗 가족이 家庭  있습니다. 有

    여자들이 오늘 이야기합니다. 今天女人說話。

    여자들이 (女性) 오늘 (今天)  이야기합니다. (我們談談)



    2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_Hangul

    3. https://usfblogs.usfca.edu/mandarinchinese/what-is-mandarin-chinese-language/