
2. The Journey of Czechs toward Today's Democracy

First, I would like to point out that Czechoslovakia was never formally incorporated into the USSR. It became a satellite state within the Soviet sphere of influence after World War II.

Why did it happen? The Red Army liberated Czechoslovakia from Nazi occupation in 1945. This gave the Soviets significant influence. The Czechoslovakian Communist Party, backed by the USSR, gained power in a 1948 coup. The Cold War tensions between the US and USSR further solidified Czechoslovakia's position within the Soviet bloc.

What happened during the Regime? During the communist era in Czechoslovakia, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin’s influence was imposed on the country. In 1947, Moscow established the Cominform to tighten discipline within the socialist camp. Soviet advisers arrived in Czechoslovakia in 1949. The outbreak of the Korean War in 1950 led to a significant rearmament program under Soviet pressure. Meanwhile, the communists purged the armed forces, arresting officers suspected of pro-Western leanings. Religion, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, was also targeted. Church dignitaries were interned, monasteries dissolved, and a state office for church affairs established. Non-communists faced anti-state charges, with politicians like Milada Horáková sentenced to death. The purges extended to the Czechoslovak Communist Party, resulting in arrests and executions. Overall, around 180 politicians were executed, and thousands were imprisoned during this period. 

In 1989, the Velvet Revolution led to the peaceful overthrow of the communist government. Public dissatisfaction with the one-party system, economic stagnation, and a desire for democracy fueled the revolution.

What happened to Czechoslovakia, after the USSR? Czechoslovakia became a democracy and transitioned to a market economy. In 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

I attempt to understand the journey of human towards democracy, I noticed a few important historical events related to this aspect, and I would summarize them in this blog via several posts. This is Post 2 on this topic. However, I am not a historian, this post may contain mistakes and unclear expressions.

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