
新澤西(海茨敦) Hightstown, New Jersey

Hightstown is a borough in Mercer County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 5,494. The borough is an independent municipality surrounded entirely by East Windsor Township. Hightstown is at the central-most point of New Jersey and is roughly equidistant from Philadelphia and New York City. [Wikipedia]

新澤西州海茨敦默瑟縣美國一個市鎮 2010年美國人口普查該市的人口5,494自治市鎮是一個獨立的直轄市完全圍繞東溫莎小鎮海茨敦新澤西州中央大致等距離費城和紐約 [維基百科]


畫人像的後果 (The consequence of drawing portraits)

本來 想畫人像:

畫下畫下 改為....



[Originally, I would like to draw portraits with pencils, but it ended up .... ->


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北極光 Northern Lights

The northern lights are caused by collisions between fast-moving particles (electrons) from space and the oxygen and nitrogen gas in our atmosphere. These electrons originate in the magnetosphere, the region of space controlled by Earth’s magnetic field. As they rain into the atmosphere, the electrons impart energy to oxygen and nitrogen molecules, making them excited. When the molecules return to their normal state, they release photons, small bursts of energy in the form of light. [1]

[Google Translate:] 北極光的快速移動的粒子(電子從空間我們大氣中氧和氮的氣體之間的碰撞所造成的這些電子起源於磁層地球磁場控制的空間區域下雨到大氣中,因為它們電子傳遞氧和氮分子能量使它們激發分子恢復到正常狀態他們釋放光子爆發的能量以光的形式

Astronaut Mike Hopkins, aboard the International Space Station, shared this picture of the northern lights on Oct. 9, 2013, saying "The pic doesn't do the northern lights justice. Covered the whole sky. Truly amazing!": [1]

[Google Translate:] 登上國際空間站宇航員邁克·霍普金斯大學,分享這幅畫2013年10月9日北極光PIC不會北極光正義覆蓋了整個天空真正驚人


Link: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0311/auroraOK_ewoldt_f1.jpg

Link: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0208/aurperseids_clark_full.jpg

Link: http://www.earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/GreenlandBlogKoenig/images/greenland_aurora.jpg


Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). Time lapses in Norway. Polarlichter. Der Himmel brennt.

[1] http://www.nasa.gov/content/northern-lights-viewed-from-the-international-space-station/#.UnrFPxCBmbc