
Escape from New Jersey I

Yesterday, I took a train to New York City. Firstly, I arrived at a train station:

I got a one-way ticket to New York Pen Station. Remember, this was a one-way ticket!

When the conductor checked my ticket, he put a happy face on my ticket. It's a pumpkin face!

I arrived at the New York Pen Station:

Hey, did he also escape from New Jersey?

Lots of people in the city:

Lots of taxi in the city:

Lots of food stands in the city:

Lots of foods on the tray:

I ate lots of foods in the city... yummy!


The NJ's sky

I took the above picture about two days ago. The pretty moon reminded me a song from Taiwan: 月亮代表我的心 (The Moon represents my heart). I checked with Youtube and I found one clip with lyric:

The Moon represents my heart
You asked me how deep I love you
And how much I love you
My feelings are true
And my love for you is real
The Moon represents my heart


Giuseppe's Brick Oven Pizzeria & Restaurant

I had just finished my dinner with my boss at Giuseppe's Pizza. Here is the address for the restaurant:

24 Summerfield Blvd
Ste 102

Dayton, NJ 08810
(732) 274-8808


The pizza that we ordered was WORK. It had The pizza crust is chewy and the pizza smells good. But, I like their breads more.