Archer - Joby's 電動垂直起降的士
勇敢的黎芷珊走訪正在被俄羅斯入侵的烏克蘭。 可惜她的TVB《戰場上》被腰斬
黎芷珊親自走訪正在被俄羅斯入侵的烏克蘭拍攝嘅台慶資訊節目《戰場上》,播出兩集旋即引起迴響。Facebook群組Save HK有多名網民發文表達不滿認為喺烏克蘭報導嘅情況,立場偏重於烏克蘭一方,未有訪問俄羅斯人民睇法,並指攝製隊喺當地有烏軍協助,片尾更鳴謝烏克蘭政府籌集資金嘅平台United 24。有觀眾表明向通訊事務管理局投訴,並發起杯葛TVB行動。Yahoo news
TVB的决定梗係部分是基于商业原因啦。而那Save HK明显是基于其他原因。Anyway,黎芷珊得到咗本人的尊敬。
華為三摺機 - 体温32-33度 。。炒價暴跌。
- 華為Mate XT︱炒價暴跌由加十萬變兩千蚊 收機商:每小時一個價如跳樓機 (AM730 09/20/2024)
- 楊冪用HUAWEI Mate XT講電話 網民:不只可焗杯麵還能幫明星擋臉 (now 09/25/2024)
- 華為三摺機小心別摔螢幕!維修更換費用可買一台 iPhone 16 Pro (TechNews 09/17/2024)
- 360創辦人讚華為三摺機「可焗兩碗杯麵」 網民質疑高級黑(有片) (AM730 09/19/2024)
【這樣財有梗】華為三折機黃牛價雪崩 「多等一天可省數千」
香港 Huawei Mate XT 三摺手機開箱評測
나는 당신께 사랑을 원하지 않았어요
[세로 직캠] 홍서범 - 나는 당신께 사랑을 원하지 않았어요 [불후의 명곡2 전설을 노래하다/Immortal Songs 2] | KBS 230527 방송
春田花花同学会 里面d人讲下point!
McDull: The Alumni - "Point" meeting (English subtitles)
中秋已过天气凉 今天要冲热水凉 + 船頭愛茶煲
《秋天的童話》電影解說 : 船頭愛茶煲~
联合国第2758号决议-和台湾主权有关吗? Is Resolution 2758 related to Taiwan’s Sovereignty??
A Brief History of Taiwan
Pre-WWII: Taiwan had been under Japanese colonial rule since 1895, following China's defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War. During this period, Japan invested heavily in the island's infrastructure and economy.
1945: After Japan's defeat in World War II, Taiwan was returned to China, i.e. Republic of China (ROC). ROC assumed control of Taiwan.
1949: The Chinese Civil War led to Chiang Kai-shek and his followers retreated to Taiwan, continuing the Republic of China (ROC) government.
克里姆林宫表示 西边的威胁, 东部不稳定? 可解? Kremlin said - Threats on the western border, instability in the east.
普京于 2024 年 9 月 15 日下令将俄罗斯军队的常规规模增加 18 万,达到 150 万现役军人,此举将使其成为仅次于中国的世界第二大军队。克里姆林宫表示,增加军费是为了应对俄罗斯西部边境日益增长的威胁和东部的不稳定局势。
Putin on September 15, 2024 ordered the regular size of the Russian army to be increased by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million active servicemen in a move that would make it the second largest in the world after China’s. The Kremlin said that this increase was needed to address growing threats on Russia’s western borders and instability to the east. (NBC News 09/17/2024)
西边的威胁, 东部不稳定? 可解?我们就看一下新闻吧:
Let's check what Kremlin means by 1. the instability to the east and 2. the growing threats on Russia’s western borders:
Taiwan President Lai Ching-Te suggested China reclaim its lands in the Far East – currently part of Russia – instead of attacking Taiwan. (Ukrainian World Congress, 09/03/2024) In fact, there are already rumors that China is already replacing Russia in Siberia. (The lcarus Project, 09/17/2024)
中国正在加强其在中亚的安全和经济足迹。 2021年,中国宣布将在塔吉克斯坦建设警察特种部队前哨基地。中国还取代俄罗斯成为哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦第一大贸易伙伴。俄罗斯科学院2017年进行的一项调查显示,超过30%的俄罗斯人将中国日益增长的影响力视为“扩张主义”。 50%的受访者表示担心中国对俄罗斯领土完整构成威胁,30%的受访者认为中国的政策可能会危及俄罗斯的经济进步。
China is stepping up its security and economic footprint in Central Asia. In 2021, it was announced that China would construct an outpost for police special forces in Tajikistan. China has also replaced Russia as the largest trading partner for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. In a survey conducted in 2017 by the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 30% of Russians perceive China’s growing presence as “expansionist.” 50% of respondents expressed concerns about China posing a threat to Russia’s territorial integrity, and 30% of participants believed China’s policies could jeopardize Russia’s economic progress. (International Policy Digest, 08/14/2024)
在这一天,乌克兰如何迫使俄罗斯人逃离并放弃他们的装备 On This Day How Ukraine forced Russians to flee and abandon their equipment
此外,乌克兰可能很快就会在前线部署机器狗,取代士兵执行危险任务,例如监视俄罗斯战壕或探测地雷。 乌克兰正在向俄罗斯军队派遣一支机器狗舰队,其中包括一些四足终结者,乌克兰希望用它们对前线的敌方士兵和车辆进行“神风特攻队”攻击。 - 有报道称,乌克兰已从英国接收了30多只机器人“战犬”。这些先进的地面无人机每架售价约为 9,000 美元。
Ukraine could soon unleash robot dogs on its front lines, replacing soldiers for perilous missions like spying on Russian trenches or detecting mines. (France 24, 08/08/2024) Ukraine is siccing a fleet of robot dogs on Russian troops, including some four-legged terminators it hopes to use to conduct “kamikaze” attacks on enemy soldiers and vehicles along the frontlines. (New York Post, 08/25/2024) There is a report that Ukraine has received more than 30 robotic “war dogs” from the United Kingdom. These advanced ground drones cost around $9,000 each. (Kyiv Post 09/10/2024)
選出正確的一個 Choose the right one
- 特朗普称赞与朝鲜领导人金正恩“关系非常好” Trump touts ‘very good relationship’ with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (PBS NewsHour, 10/22/2022)
- 特朗普称他与中国习近平“建立了友谊” Trump says he's 'developed a friendship' with China's Xi (The Straits Times, 04/06/2017)
- 特朗普称“终身总统”听起来很棒 Trump says 'president for life' sounds great (CNN, 03/03/2018)
- 从商人到美国总统,唐纳德·特朗普多次赞扬俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京,有时还附和他的观点。From businessman to US President, Donald Trump has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and, at times, echoed his point of view. (CNN, 2016)
- Hungary's Viktor Orbán met Donald Trump just weeks after the Hungarian PM met Russia's Vladimir Putin (BBC, 07/11/2024)
- 匈牙利总理欧尔班·维克托会见了唐纳德·特朗普,几周前匈牙利总理会见了俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京。Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding for Ukraine, BBC, 12/15/2023
- 匈牙利欧尔班获得欧盟俄罗斯石油禁运豁免 Hungary’s Orban wins exemption in EU Russian oil embargo, AP, 05/31/2022
- 特朗普计划“24小时”结束俄罗斯战争——乌克兰最大需求被拆除?Trump's Plan To End Russia War In '24 Hours' - Ukraine's Biggest Demand To Be Demolished? (Hindustan Times, 09/13/2014)
- 听起来像是投降”:众议员斯潘伯格对特朗普结束乌克兰战争的计划做出反应‘Sounds like surrender’: Rep. Spanberger reacts to Trump’s plans to end war in Ukraine (MSNBC 09/13/2024)
- 总统辩论:特朗普、哈里斯谈俄罗斯-乌克兰战争 Presidential Debate: Trump, Harris on the Russia-Ukraine war (9News, 09/10/2024)
在截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的第一财季,印度对俄罗斯石油的进口量同比增长了 1.2%。由于乌克兰无人机袭击导致俄罗斯炼油厂停产,俄罗斯出口了更多原油。因此,印度炼油商一直在大量购买俄罗斯石油,这些石油在以折扣价出售后成为了印度的额外出口。 (Reuters, 07/24/2024) 印度炼油商通过折扣购买俄罗斯石油可能节省至少 105 亿美元。 (Indian Express, 07/11/2024)
印度是俄罗斯石油的最大买家,俄罗斯石油为印度经济提供了助力。尽管西方因俄罗斯入侵乌克兰而对其实施制裁,但印度仍希望与俄罗斯保持良好关系。 (DW 07/08/2024)
所以呢? SO WHAT?
The Russia-Ukraine Conflict’s Impact on Russian Oil Dynamics - The India's Role in The Conflict
During the first fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2024, India's import of Russia oil rose by an annual 1.2%. Russia exported more crude oil because of outages at its refineries from Ukrainian drone attacks. Thus, Indian refiners have been gorging on Russian oil, which emerged as an additional outlet after being sold at a discount. (Reuters, 07/24/2024) Indian refiners likely saved at least $10.5 billion by buying discounted Russian oil. (Indian Express, 07/11/2024)
India is the largest buyer of Russian oil which has provided a boost for its economy. India wants to maintain its good relations with Russia — despite the Western sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. (DW 07/08/2024)
Will Ukraine adjust its targets for attack or come up a new strategy?
中俄回應台灣要求中國收回俄羅斯土地的呼籲。 Moscow, Beijing Respond to Taiwan Call for China to Take Back Russian Land
儘管中國共產黨政府從未統治台灣,但中國聲稱台灣是其領土。 2024 年 9 月 3 日,台灣總統賴清德表示,如果中國對台灣的主張是基於領土完整,中華人民共和國也應該收回 19 世紀根據 1858 年《璦琿條約》割讓給俄羅斯的地區。 《璦琿條約》被認為是所謂的不平等條約之一,當時的大國使用軍事力量向實力較弱的國家發號施令。根據《璦琿條約》,中國將大片土地割讓給俄羅斯帝國,也就是現在的俄羅斯遠東地區。兩年後,根據 1860 年《北京條約》,中國再次將現在的濱海邊疆區割讓給俄羅斯。此外,海參崴這座城市的意思是“東方的統治者”或“征服東方”,也被翻譯為“管理東方的辦公室”或“東方的女王”。 2020年7月2日,俄羅斯符拉迪沃斯托克市慶祝建市160週年。
印度的战略外交-石油、武器 India's Strategic Diplomacy-Oil, Arms
印度与俄罗斯建立了一条秘密贸易通道,供俄罗斯秘密从印度购买关键商品。根据其计划,卢比将用于通过两国公司之间的“封闭支付系统”来确保军民两用部件的安全。据新闻报道,这将使原本在西方市场购买的电子设备稳定流入。此外,莫斯科还考虑投资印度工厂以支持关键生产。另外据报道,俄罗斯将向印度提供四艘配备超音速导弹的军舰。印度未来的军舰是俄罗斯为印度海军设计的11356型护卫舰。根据两国 2018 年签署的合同,两艘船在俄罗斯制造,其余将在印度建造。
2024年7月9日,印度总理莫迪前往莫斯科与总统普京举行会谈。这次访问恰逢北约领导人齐聚华盛顿,俄罗斯导弹袭击了乌克兰一家医院,造成数十人死亡,引发了泽连斯基的强烈批评。这位乌克兰领导人称莫迪的会面“非常令人失望”,在印度领导人拥抱普京之后, “对和平努力是毁灭性的打击”。
截至2024年6月30日的第一财季,印度从俄罗斯进口的石油年增长率为1.2%。由于乌克兰无人机袭击导致其炼油厂停电,俄罗斯出口了更多原油。因此,印度炼油商一直在大量购买俄罗斯石油,而俄罗斯石油在打折出售后成为了额外的出口。印度炼油商通过购买打折的俄罗斯石油可能节省至少 105 亿美元。目前,印度是俄罗斯石油的最大买家,俄罗斯石油为其经济提供了提振。印度希望与俄罗斯保持良好关系——尽管西方因俄罗斯入侵乌克兰而对其实施制裁。
India built a secret trade channel with Russia for Russia to covertly purchase critical goods from India. Under its scheme, rupees would be spent to secure dual-use components through a "closed payment system" between firms of these two countries. According to the news report, this would provide a steady inflow of electronic equipment originally bought in Western markets. Further, Moscow also considered investing in Indian factories to support critical production. (Business Insider, 09/04/2024)
According to a news report, Russia will provide four warships equipped with supersonic missiles to India. The future warships of India are Project 11356 frigates, designed by Russia for the Indian Navy. Two vessels are made in Russia, while the rest will be built in India, according to signed contracts between these two countries in 2018. (Newsweek, 09/04/2024)
On July 09, 2024, The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi traveled to Moscow to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin. That trip coincided with a NATO leaders gathering in Washington and Russian missile strikes on a hospital in Ukraine that killed scores of people, drawing strong criticism from Zelenskyy. The Ukrainian leader called Modi’s meeting “a huge disappointment” and “a devastating blow to peace efforts” after the Indian leader was seen hugging Putin. (AP, 08/21/2024)
During the first fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2024, India's import of Russia oil rose by an annual 1.2%. Russia exported more crude oil because of outages at its refineries from Ukrainian drone attacks. Thus, Indian refiners have been gorging on Russian oil, which emerged as an additional outlet after being sold at a discount. (Reuters, 07/24/2024) Indian refiners likely saved at least $10.5 billion by buying discounted Russian oil. (Indian Express, 07/11/2024)
India is the largest buyer of Russian oil which has provided a boost for its economy. India wants to maintain its good relations with Russia — despite the Western sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. (DW 07/08/2024)
There is a report that India has once again abstained from voting in a UN General Assembly resolution that condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which started in 2022. India has abstained from similar resolutions both at the UNGA and at the UNSC in the past. Russia is also India's largest arms supplier. Besides India, China, Iran and South Africa were among the 32 countries to abstain in the vote. The seven countries who voted against it were Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Mali, Nicaragua and Syria. (BBC, 02/23/2023)
台湾要求中国向俄罗斯收回土地 Taiwan Asks China to Take Land Back from Russia
台湾总统赖清德表示,如果中国对台湾的主权主张是基于领土完整,那么中华人民共和国也应该收回 19 世纪根据 1858 年《瑷珲条约》割让给俄罗斯的地区。《瑷珲条约》被认为是所谓的不平等条约之一,当时最强大的国家使用军事力量向弱小的国家强加条件。根据《瑷珲条约》,中国将现在俄罗斯远东地区的大片土地割让给俄罗斯帝国。两年后,根据 1860 年《北京条约》,中国再次将现在的滨海边疆区割让给俄罗斯。
此外,满族赋名海参崴满语名「ᡥᠠᡳᡧᡝᠨᠸᡝᡳ」和汉语名「海参崴」。 「海参崴」作为其最早的中文叫法,亦被华人沿用至今。 1860年,《北京条约》签订前三月,俄国侵占了此地区,更名为「符拉迪沃斯托克」(Владивосток;Vladivostok),意为「东方统治者」或「征服东方」,也译「鎭东府」「东方的王后」。2020年7月2日,俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克市举行建市160周年庆祝活动。中国国际电视台(CGTN)记者沈世伟表示,庆祝符拉迪沃斯托克建市日让中国人想起了“1860年那段屈辱的日子”。
Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te stated that if China's claims to Taiwan are based on territorial integrity, the People’s Republic of China should also take back regions ceded to Russia in the nineteenth century, under the 1858 Treaty of Aigun. The Treaty of Aigun is considered one of the so-called unequal treaties, where the then-greatest powers used military force to dictate terms to less powerful countries. Under the Treaty of Aigun, China ceded a huge swathe of land to the Russian Empire in what is now the Far East of Russia. Two years later, under the 1860 Beijing Treaty, China again ceded the region of what is now the Primorsky Krai to Russia. (Ukrainska Pravda, 09/03/2024)
Further, the Manchus named Vladivostok "ᡥᠠᡳᡧᡝᠨᠸᡝᡳ" in Manchu and "Vladivostok (Haishenwei)" in Chinese. "Vladivostok" is its earliest Chinese name and is still used by the Chinese today. In 1860, three months before the signing of the Treaty of Beijing, Russia invaded the area and renamed it "Vladivostok" (Владивосток; Vladivostok), which means "ruler of the East" or "conquer the East", also translated as "The Office Managing East" or "Queen of the East". (海參崴 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 (wikipedia.org)) On July 2 of 2020, the Russian city of Vladivostok was celebrating 160th anniversary of its founding day. Shen Shiwei, a reporter for the state-owned broadcaster CGTN said that the celebration of the founding day of Vladivostok reminded the Chinese of "those humiliated days in the 1860. (Financial Express. 07/07/2020)
Regarding territorial integrity, China reclaimed Hong Kong from UK. But "why doesn’t China reclaim the lands occupied by Russia that were ceded in the Treaty of Aigun? Russia is weaker now, right? The Treaty of Aigun was signed during the Qing dynasty - you can ask the Russians to return the land, but you don't. So it's clear that China does not wish to invade Taiwan for territorial reasons," said Lai Ching-te. (Essanews.com, 09/02/2024)
Taiwan's new President Lai Ching-te has been sworn in
The Nvidia Selloff - September 03, 2024
- Nvidia has started this September in an inauspicious way — with its a huge daily selloff since April. The stock is now off about 20% from its all-time closing high of $135.58, as its recent earnings report made investors jittery about its future margin performance and whether it can keep up its big beats. (MarketWatch 09/04/2024)
- Nvidia CEO and co-founder Jensen Huang's fortune shrank by nearly $10 billion after the chipmaker’s share price fell amid a wider selloff of major tech stocks on September 03, 2024. (Forbes, 09/04/2024)
- Justice Department takes a major step toward an antitrust lawsuit against Nvidia. Officials are investigating whether Nvidia's dominance has made it difficult for buyers to use other suppliers, some complained that Nvidia threatens clients that use chips from both Nvidia and its competitors. (Business Insider, 09/04/2024)
- [Factcheck] Nvidia dictates how chips are allocated to stop companies from stockpiling them amid limited supply. Installing the chips the way Nvidia wanted would have reportedly hindered. Microsoft's ability to switch to different AI chips. Microsoft eventually won out when Nvidia backed down and agreed to let the Big Tech company design its own custom racks. (Business Insider, 06/20/2024)
- [Factcheck] Intel’s Xeon processors are capable of more complex data crunching, but they have fewer cores and are much slower for processing information typically used to train AI software. AMD announced an updated version of its MI300 AI processor would go on sale in Q4. But Nvidia’s advantage isn’t just in the performance of its hardware. Its CUDA, a language for its graphics chips that allows them to be programmed for the type of work that underpins AI programs.(QuickTake, 06/07/2024)
The AMD MI300X and Nvidia Blackwell are both cutting-edge AI processors, each with unique strengths and features. Here’s a comparison based on the latest information (prepared by an AI):
- Architecture: Built on AMD’s CDNA 3 architectures
- Compute Units: 304 compute units.
- Memory: 192 GB of HBM3 memory with a peak bandwidth of 5.3 TB/s.
- Performance: Known for its strong performance in FP8 floating point calculations and HPC-centric double precision workloads. It boasts impressive cache bandwidth and latency, outperforming Nvidia’s H100 in several benchmarks.
- Power Consumption: 750W.
Nvidia Blackwell
- Architecture: Successor to the H100, designed to leapfrog AMD in performance.
- Compute Units: Details on compute units are less specific, but it integrates compute and IO into each chip.
- Memory: 192 GB of high bandwidth memory, with a memory bandwidth of 2.8 TB/s.
- Performance: Excels in sparse performance, delivering 45 teraFLOPS of FP64 tensor core performance. It is optimized for AI inferencing and lower precision tasks.
- Power Consumption: 700W.
Key Differences
- Memory Bandwidth: MI300X has a higher memory bandwidth (5.3 TB/s) compared to Blackwell (2.8 TB/s), which can be crucial for AI performance.
- Compute Performance: MI300X shows a significant advantage in double precision performance, while Blackwell excels in sparse performance and lower precision tasks.
- Power Efficiency: Blackwell is slightly more power-efficient with a 700W consumption compared to MI300X’s 750W.
- Both processors are designed to handle demanding AI workloads, but their strengths lie in different areas. The choice between them would depend on the specific requirements of the tasks at hand.
- AMD's customers begin receiving the first Instinct MI300X AI GPUs — the company's toughest competitor to Nvidia's AI dominance is now shipping
- Nvidia Blackwell vs. MI300X : r/AMD_Stock (reddit.com)
- AMD MI300X performance compared with Nvidia H100 — low-level benchmarks testing cache, latency, inference, and more show strong results for a single GPU | Tom's Hardware (tomshardware.com)
- Nvidia Launches Next-Generation Blackwell GPUs Amid AI ‘Arms Race’ (datacenterknowledge.com)
- Nvidia turns up the AI heat with 1,200W Blackwell GPUs • The Register