
俄罗斯进行大规模空袭 Moscow Rains Fire on Ukraine


俄罗斯的这次袭击再次以关键民用基础设施为目标。关键基础设施包括能源部门和铁路。这次袭击至少造成 7 人死亡,47 人受伤。47 名伤者中有 4 名是儿童。

截至目前,俄羅斯自2022年2月起入侵烏克蘭,已造成數十萬軍人傷亡和數萬烏克蘭平民傷亡。具體而言,自入侵開始以來,俄羅斯軍隊已損失超過 606,000 名士兵。此外,聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處已核實共有 35,160 名平民傷亡和 23,640 人報告受傷。衝突仍在繼續,俄羅斯軍隊目前佔領了烏克蘭約 20% 的領土。對平民的影響是巨大的,數百萬人流離失所,難民危機堪比二戰。

2022 年 8 月 8 日,皇家联合服务研究所 (RUSI) 发布了一份报告,称大多数明显的西方组件都是由美国公司制造的。这可能是因为俄罗斯的战争机器严重依赖进口复杂的微电子产品才能有效运行。 而 2023 年 10 月 3 日,PBS 新闻的 Simon Ostrovsky 报道称,俄罗斯坦克的一个机器部件是由一家位于纽约的公司制造的。 

根据 Julia Monn 和 Katrin Büchenbacher 的报道,一些国家向俄罗斯提供机器和零部件,例如电子产品、可用于制造武器的建筑材料或无人机/导弹。 而印度刚刚在 2024 年 7 月超过中国,成为俄罗斯石油全球最大进口国。这就是泽连斯基敦促印度停止进口俄罗斯石油的原因。泽连斯基也点名中国在俄罗斯对乌克兰战争中扮演的角色。

Russian forces launched over a hundred rockets and drones at Ukraine on August 26, 2024. Ukrainian defenders managed to destroy 102 enemy rockets and 99 drones. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged Western allies to allow Kyiv to strike military targets inside Russia using Western-supplied longer-range weapons in self-defense. It is worth noting that the US prohibits Ukraine from using its long-range ATACMS missiles for strikes on Russian territory. (RBC Ukraine, 08/26/2024)

This Russian strike again targeted critical civilian infrastructure. The critical infrastructure includes the energy sector and railroads. At least seven people were killed and at least 47 others injured from this strike. Out of the 47 people injured, four were children. (abcNews, 08/26/2024)

Up to now, Russia's invasion of Ukraine since February 2022 has caused hundreds of thousands of military casualties and tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilian casualties. Specifically, the Russian military has lost over 606,000 soldiers since the invasion began1. Additionally, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has verified a total of 35,160 civilian casualties and 23,640 reported injured2. The conflict continues, with Russian forces currently occupying approximately 20% of Ukraine’s territory3. The impact on civilians is huge, with millions displaced and a refugee crisis comparable to World War II. (1-4)

On August 08, 2022, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) released a report that the majority of the apparent Western components were manufactured by U.S. companies. It is probably because the Russia's war machine is heavily reliant on imports of sophisticated microelectronics to operate effectively. (RUSI, 08/08/2024) While on October 03, 2023, Simon Ostrovsky at PBS News reported that a machine part of the Russian tanks was made by a company based in New York. (PBS News, 10/03/2023) \

According to Julia Monn and Katrin Büchenbacher's report, one Russia's ally supplies Russia with machines and components such as electronics, building materials that can be used to build weapons. (NZZ, 05/23/2024) While two others provide drones and/or missiles. (Financial Times, 01/13/2024) On the other hand, India has just overtaken China as the world's largest importer of Russian oil in July 2024. (The Kyiv Independent, 08/23/2024) This is why Zelenskyy urges India to halt Russian oil imports. (The New Voice of Ukraine, 08/25/2024) Zelenskyy also calls out China's role in Russia's War on Ukraine. (The Diplomat, 06/04/2024)


1. Ukraine civilian war casualties 2024 | Statista

2. Russian invasion of Ukraine - Wikipedia

3. Russia Launches 'One Of The Heaviest Strikes' On Ukraine In Over 30 Months Of War: Zelensky - Benzinga

4. Casualties of the Russo-Ukrainian War - Wikipedia


Microsoft Copilot vs. Google Gemini: A Comparison

I asked Microsoft Copilot to compare Microsoft Copilot with Google Gemini. Here is its answer:

Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini are both AI chatbots, but they serve different purposes and have distinct features. Here’s a brief comparison:

Microsoft Copilot:
  • Integrated into Microsoft 365 apps.
  • Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Suitable for collaboration within Microsoft apps like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
  • Excellent quality output with impressive factual accuracy and responsiveness to feedback.
  • Cluttered interface but comprehensive integration with Microsoft 365 tools1.
  • If you create text, images, spreadsheets, or presentations in Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot is a good choice.

Google Gemini:
  • Replaced Google’s Bard in 2024.
  • Powered by the Gemini LLM.
  • Designed to integrate with Google Workspace apps (documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and mail).
  • Good quality output in creative writing and editing tasks, but constant fact-checking is needed.
  • Already an eloquent assistant for creative writing tasks.
  • If you primarily work in Google Docs, Gemini is worth considering.

In terms of user base, specific numbers aren’t readily available. However, if you’re a regular user of Google services and apps, Google Duet might be better for you. If you use Teams and Microsoft Office applications, Copilot is the better choice. Additionally, Copilot offers an advantage in terms of internet connectivity and up-to-date information retrieval3. Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Then, I asked the question to Google Gemini. Here is the answer:

Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini are both powerful AI assistants designed to enhance productivity and streamline workflows.  While they share many similarities, there are key differences that set them apart.  

Key Differences
  • Integration: Copilot is deeply integrated into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, providing assistance across applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Gemini, on the other hand, is more versatile and can be used across various platforms and applications.   
  • Focus: Copilot primarily focuses on productivity tasks, such as drafting emails, creating presentations, and summarizing documents. Gemini offers a broader range of capabilities, including text generation, translation, and coding.  
  • Source icon
  • Language Model: Copilot is built on the GPT-4 language model, while Gemini is powered by Google's proprietary Pathways language model. Both models are highly advanced, but their specific strengths and weaknesses may vary.
  • Natural Language Processing: Both Copilot and Gemini can understand and respond to natural language prompts, making them easy to use for users of all skill levels.
  • Learning Capabilities: Both assistants can learn from their interactions with users, improving their performance over time.
  • Task Automation: Both can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up users to focus on more complex work.
In conclusion, both Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini are powerful AI assistants that can significantly enhance productivity. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If you are deeply invested in the Microsoft ecosystem and primarily need assistance with productivity tasks, Copilot may be the better option. If you require a more versatile AI assistant with a wider range of capabilities, Gemini could be a good fit.

多国向乌克兰致独立日祝贺 Leaders extend Independence Day greetings to Ukraine

乌克兰第 33 个独立日弥漫着严肃的气氛,该国抗击俄罗斯侵略的战争已进入 30 个月的里程碑。这一天,乌克兰人在社交媒体上充斥着感谢和支持的信息,互相问候并感谢前线的士兵。泽连斯基总统指出,俄罗斯挑起的战争现已蔓延至它的领土。

A sober atmosphere pervaded Ukraine’s 33rd Independence Day, as its war against Russia’s aggression reaches a 30-month milestone. On this day, Ukrainians flooded social media with messages of gratitude and support, greeting each other and thanking the soldiers on the front lines. President Volodymyr Zelensky pointed out that the war started by Russia has now spread to its own territory. (Associated Press 08/24/2024)

Western leaders and ambassadors extend Independence Day greetings to Ukraine

Western leaders, government members and ambassadors continue to extend their greetings to Ukraine on the occasion of its 33rd Independence Day. Please click the link above for the whole article. 

News Links August 24, 2024

Azerbaijan Azerbaijani PM Congratulates Ukrainian Counterpart On Independence Day

Belarus Lukashenko greets Ukrainians on Independence Day, despite deploying troops to border with Ukraine

Egypt Sisi congratulates Zelensky on Ukraine Independence Day

India India Supports Ukraine's National Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity: Zelenskyy

Ireland ‘We will stand with you until you prevail’ – Taoiseach Simon Harris addresses Ukraine on its Independence Day

Italy Foreign Diplomats Congratulate Ukrainians On National Flag Day

Lithuania Lithuanian PM gives speech in Ukrainian on Ukraine's Independence Day, hoping for victory "with electricity, gas, and no Russians"

Poland Polish President Duda, Lithuanian PM Simonyte make remarks from Kyiv on Independence Day

Russia Moscow and Kyiv swap prisoners of war as Ukraine marks Independence Day

UAE UAE Leaders Extend Greetings to Ukraine on Independence Day

There are many more news about Ukraine's Independence Day. Please Google or Bing Search the related topic. 


港禁日海鮮, 從陆入口,而陆漁船在日本附近捕魚

由於擔心核污染,香港一年前禁止從日本 10 個縣進口海鮮。這項決定是出於對封存福島核電廠處理後廢水排放的擔憂而做出的。





Hong Kong banned seafood imports from 10 Japanese prefectures a year ago due to concerns about nuclear contamination. This decision was prompted by worries over the discharge of treated wastewater from the mothballed Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Recent Developments: The Environment and Ecology Bureau in Hong Kong has now issued a warning. If nuclear contamination in Japan worsens, they will take even tougher action to restrict Japanese seafood imports. Last week, Japanese authorities requested that Hong Kong lift the ban, but the government rejected this request. A catering representative argues that the existing controls are sufficient for ensuring safety.

Why the Concern? The Fukushima nuclear power plant has experienced several accidents in the past year, leading to environmental pollution. The bureau emphasizes the need for precautionary measures to safeguard food safety. (South China Morning Post, 08/24/2024)

However, It has been noticed that Chinese fishing boats continue to operate in waters near Japan despite a Chinese embargo on Japanese seafood products over the release of treated water from the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. According to the news report, a total of 8,876 Chinese fishing boats operated in the area from May to July this year, 34 percent more than in the same period last year.(The Asahi Shimbun, 08/24/2024)

In 2022, China supplied Hong Kong with about 34 percent of its seafood imports. At that time, other major suppliers for seafood to Hong Kong included Japan and the United States. (Statista, 08/24/2024)

陸禁日海鮮 陸漁船在「日本海域」捕魚 韓媒:雙重標準|TVBS新聞

TVB收入回升: 福祿壽訓練學院之雙管齊下的 「香港小姐」,李思捷 難分真與假, 關嘉敏《屈到病》

香港最大的免費廣播公司 TVB 2024 年上半年的淨虧損年減 65%,降至 1.43 億港元(約 1,830 萬美元)。廣告收入的反彈。 TVB半年業績顯示,連續六年虧損後出現扭虧為盈。該公司主席許杜濤對香港電視廣播和內地業務的持續成長表示樂觀。值得注意的是,無線電視的目標是擴大在大灣區的影響力,將廣東省、香港和澳門的城市連結起來,成為一個經濟強國。自 2019 年以來,該廣播公司上半年實現了正 EBITDA(未計利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前利潤),顯示財務表現有所改善。

出現扭虧為盈 - 这是否和节目质素提升有关?

福祿壽訓練學院之雙管齊下的 「香港小姐」

李思捷 難分真與假, 關嘉敏《屈到病》

TVB reduces losses due to recovery in advertising income

Hong Kong’s largest free-to-air broadcaster, TVB, significantly reduced its net losses by 65% year on year, bringing them down to HK$143 million (approximately US$18.3 million) during the first half of 2024. This positive trend was driven by robust growth in business, primarily due to a rebound in advertising income. TVB’s half-year results revealed a turnaround after six consecutive years of losses. The company’s chairman, Thomas Hui To, expressed optimism about continued growth in both Hong Kong television broadcasting and mainland operations. Notably, TVB aims to expand its presence in the Greater Bay Area, linking cities in Guangdong province, Hong Kong, and Macau into an economic powerhouse. The broadcaster achieved positive EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) for the first half-year period since 2019, demonstrating improved financial performance.


Ukraine Independence Day 乌克兰独立日


On August 24, 1991, Mykola Porovskyi, together with other members of the Ukrainian Parliament, replaced the red-and-blue flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic with a big blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag in the parliamentary chamber. On that day, the people's representatives of what was then the Ukrainian Soviet Republic declared independence from Moscow and proclaimed the state of Ukraine. (DW 08/23/2024)

Here’s a concise overview of modern Ukrainian history:

Early History:

  • Ukraine’s roots trace back to the Kyivan Rus, a medieval state that emerged in the 9th century.
  • Over time, it was influenced by various powers, including Poland, Lithuania, and the Russian Empire.

20th Century:

  • In 1917, Ukraine declared independence during the turmoil of World War I.
  • However, it was soon divided between Poland and Bolshevik Russia after the war.
  • The Ukrainian People’s Republic formed during this period.

Soviet Era:

  • After the Russian Revolution, most of Ukraine became part of the Soviet Union.
  • The Holodomor, a severe famine, occurred in the early 1930s under Stalin’s rule.
  • During World War II, Ukraine suffered greatly and was occupied by Axis forces before being retaken by the Soviets.

Post-Soviet Independence:

  • In 1991, Ukraine declared independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • Since then, it has faced challenges related to its political alignment, territorial disputes (such as Crimea), and ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Upstate SC city leaders and community celebrates Ukraine Independence Day

Ukraine Independence Day 2024 - messages of support WSCCVIDEO

A brief history of modern Ukraine - BBC News


卡玛拉·哈里斯在民主党全国委员会创造历史:她的演讲亮点 - 08/20/2024


在俄罗斯持续入侵期间,美国对乌克兰表现出了强有力的支持。自 2022 年 2 月战争爆发以来,美国提供了大量军事和人道主义援助,使乌克兰成为美国对外援助的最大接受国。这些援助体现了美国捍卫主权(defending sovereignty)、促进稳定(promoting stability)和反对侵略(standing against aggression)的价值观。


  • 美国革命 The American Revolution (1775-1783) 是一场反抗英国殖民统治、争取主权的斗争。这一经历塑造了美国对自决和独立的决心。
  • 门罗主义 The Monroe Doctrine (1823) 主张欧洲列强不应干涉美洲事务,强化了主权和不侵略的理念。

  • 冷战期间Cold War,美国倡导民主和个人权利,以此取代共产主义。这包括支持各国主权和反对苏联侵略。
  • 杜鲁门主义The Truman Doctrine(1947 年)承诺帮助各国抵抗共产主义影响,强调稳定和遏制。


  • 作为超级大国,美国在维护全球稳定方面发挥着领导作用。这包括支持盟友、促进民主价值观和防止侵略。
  • 北约等机构以及与日本、韩国等国的联盟反映了这一承诺。

  • 美国人身份认同American identity与自由、正义和反抗暴政的理念交织在一起。这些价值观推动了对主权的支持和反对侵略。
  • 公众情绪往往与这些原则一致,影响着外交政策决策。


  • 马歇尔计划 Marshall Plan(1948-1952):第二次世界大战后,美国通过马歇尔计划向饱受战争蹂躏的欧洲国家提供了大量经济援助。这项援助促进了稳定,重建了基础设施,并阻止了共产主义的蔓延。该计划强调受援国的主权和自决权。
  • 朝鲜战争 Korean War(1950-1953):美国介入朝鲜战争,保卫韩国免受朝鲜和共产主义势力的侵略。这场冲突维护了该地区的主权和稳定。
  • 北约 NATO(成立于 1949 年):北大西洋公约组织 (NATO) 成立的目的是在冷战期间保护成员国的主权并遏制苏联的侵略。集体防御仍然是一项核心原则,表明了对稳定和反对侵略的承诺。


Biden Praises Veterans Who 'Defend And Serve American Values'

NOTE《独立宣言》Declaration of Independence 是美国历史上的一份奠基性文件,它明确阐述了主权的价值。它指出:“为保障这些权利,人民才在人民之间建立政府,其正当权力来自被统治者的同意。”这一原则意味着一个国家有自决权和自我治理的能力,不受外部势力的不当干涉。它也是一份奠基性文件,它阐明了美国反对侵略的价值观。它意味着承诺抵御外部威胁并确保国家安全。美国革命、美西战争和冷战等事件表明了美国愿意捍卫其主权和盟国的主权。美西战争和第二次世界大战再次表明了美国反对侵略的承诺。这些冲突涉及美国为捍卫其利益及其盟国的利益而发动战争。美国宪法American Constitution是一份基础性文件,通过其制衡、权力分立和联邦制体系促进稳定。马歇尔计划Marshall Plan和柏林空运Berlin Airlift等历史事件表明美国致力于促进战后欧洲的稳定。这些举措旨在重建饱受战争蹂躏的国家,防止它们受到敌对势力的影响。 

Kamala Harris makes history at DNC: Full Speech & Highlights from her speech

 Kamala Harris makes history at DNC: Highlights from her speech - Today 08/21/2024

FULL SPEECH: Kamala Harris takes Donald Trump head-on in DNC address

The American Values - defending sovereignty, promoting stability, and standing against aggression

Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, said that if he is re-elected as the leader of the USA, he will immediately end the war in Ukraine, and we don't even have to send soldiers. (ROP, 08/22/2024)

The United States has demonstrated strong support for Ukraine during the ongoing Russian invasion. Since the war began in February 2022, the U.S. has provided substantial military and humanitarian aid, making Ukraine the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid. This aid reflects American values of defending sovereignty, promoting stability, and standing against aggression.

The American commitment to defending sovereignty, promoting stability, and opposing aggression is rooted in historical context, political philosophy, and national identity. Here are some key reasons:

Historical Experience:

The American Revolution (1775-1783) was a struggle for sovereignty against British colonial rule. This experience shaped the nation’s commitment to self-determination and independence.
The Monroe Doctrine (1823) asserted that European powers should not interfere in the affairs of the Americas, reinforcing the idea of sovereignty and non-aggression.

Cold War Era:

During the Cold War, the U.S. championed democracy and individual rights as an alternative to communism. This included supporting nations’ sovereignty and opposing Soviet aggression.
The Truman Doctrine (1947) pledged to aid countries resisting communist influence, emphasizing stability and containment.

Global Leadership:

As a superpower, the U.S. assumes a leadership role in maintaining global stability. This involves supporting allies, promoting democratic values, and preventing aggression.

Institutions like NATO and alliances with Japan, South Korea, and others reflect this commitment.

National Identity:

American identity is intertwined with notions of freedom, justice, and standing up against tyranny. These values drive support for sovereignty and opposition to aggression.

Public sentiment often aligns with these principles, influencing foreign policy decisions.

In addition to the support of Ukraine against Russia's Invasion, here are three historical examples of how the United States has demonstrated these values:

Marshall Plan (1948-1952): After World War II, the U.S. provided massive economic aid to war-torn European countries through the Marshall Plan. This assistance promoted stability, rebuilt infrastructure, and prevented the spread of communism. The plan emphasized sovereignty and self-determination for recipient nations.

Korean War (1950-1953): The U.S. intervened in the Korean War to defend South Korea against aggression from North Korea and communist forces. This conflict upheld sovereignty and stability in the region.

NATO (founded 1949): The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established to protect member states’ sovereignty and deter Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Collective defense remains a core principle, demonstrating commitment to stability and standing against aggression.

In summary, American values are shaped by history, geopolitical context, and a belief in defending what is just and right.

Biden Praises Veterans Who 'Defend And Serve American Values'

NOTE The Declaration of Independence is a foundational document in American history that clearly articulates the value of sovereignty. It states, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This principle implies that a nation has the right to self-determination and the ability to govern itself without undue interference from external powers. It is also a foundational document that articulates the American value of standing against aggression. It implies a commitment to defending against external threats and ensuring the security of the nation. Events like the American Revolution, the Spanish-American War, and the Cold War demonstrate the United States' willingness to defend its sovereignty and the sovereignty of allies. Again, the Spanish-American War and World War II demonstrate the United States commitment to standing against aggression. These conflicts involved the United States going to war to defend its interests and the interests of its allies. The American Constitution is a foundational document that promotes stability through its system of checks and balances, separation of powers, and federalism. Historical events like the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift demonstrate the United States' commitment to promoting stability in post-war Europe. These initiatives aimed to rebuild war-torn nations and prevent them from falling under the influence of hostile powers.



数千人抗议后印度尼西亚放弃改变选举法的计划 Thousands Force Indonesia to Abandon Election Law Revisions

在印度尼西亚,在即将卸任的总统的盟友试图修改选举规则后,数千名抗议者与警察发生冲突,这可能会导致一个政治王朝。 8 月 20 日,议会正在修订宪法法院关于即将举行的地区选举的候选人年龄要求的命令,取代一项使佐科·维多多总统最小的儿子、29 岁的 Kaesang Pangarep 没有资格的裁决。最终,立法者取消了批准选举法修订案的计划。 (半岛电视台,2024 年 8 月 22 日

印度尼西亚民主历史的简要概述:在荷兰殖民时期,印度尼西亚经历了有限形式的自治。然而,荷兰人仍然保持着最终的控制权。第二次世界大战期间日本对印度尼西亚的占领导致印度尼西亚民族主义的复兴和独立的愿望。日本投降后,印度尼西亚宣布独立,并与荷兰人进行战争以维护其主权。苏加诺,该国第一任总统,建立了一个日益专制的有指导的民主制度。他的政策导致经济不稳定和社会动荡。苏哈托将军于1966年夺取政权,开启了独裁统治时期。他的政权压制异议并专注于经济发展。1998年的学生抗议导致苏哈托下台,标志着民主转型的开始。印度尼西亚举行自由选举并实施改革以加强其民主机构。然而,该国在巩固民主和解决独裁统治遗留问题方面面临挑战。有关印度尼西亚民主历史或其他相关方面的详细信息和准确性,请通过 Google 或 Bing 搜索相关主题。

In Indonesia, thousands of protesters clash with police after the outgoing president’s allies try to revise election rules, which could have led to a political dynasty. On August 20, the parliament was working on the revision of a Constitutional Court order over candidate age requirements for upcoming regional polls, superseding a ruling that had made President Joko Widodo’s youngest son, 29-year-old Kaesang Pangarep, ineligible. Eventually, legislators have cancelled plans to ratify revisions to election laws. (Aljazeera, August 22, 2024)

Here is a brief overview of Indonesia's democratic history - a timeline

Colonial Era (1602-1945): During the Dutch colonial period, Indonesia experienced limited forms of self-governance. However, the Dutch maintained ultimate control.
Japanese Occupation (1942-1945): The Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II led to a resurgence of Indonesian nationalism and a desire for independence.
Independence (1945): After the Japanese surrender, Indonesia declared its independence and fought a war against the Dutch to maintain its sovereignty.
Sukarno Era (1945-1966): Sukarno, the country's first president, established a guided democracy that was increasingly authoritarian. His policies led to economic instability and social unrest.
Suharto Era (1966-1998): General Suharto seized power in 1966, ushering in a period of authoritarian rule. His regime suppressed dissent and focused on economic development.
Reform Era (1998-Present): The fall of Suharto in 1998 marked the beginning of a democratic transition. Indonesia held free elections and implemented reforms to strengthen its democratic institutions. However, the country has faced challenges in consolidating its democracy and addressing the legacy of authoritarian rule.

Key events and turning points in Indonesia's democratic history include:

  •     The 1998 student protests that led to Suharto's resignation.
  •     The 1999 elections that brought about a peaceful transfer of power.
  •     The establishment of a Constitutional Court in 2003 to safeguard democratic principles.
  •     The ongoing efforts to combat corruption and promote good governance.

Indonesia's democratic history is a testament to the resilience of its people and their commitment to building a just and equitable society. While challenges remain, the country has made significant strides in its journey towards a fully functioning democracy. For details and accuracy about Indonesia's democratic history or other related aspects, please Google or Bing search the related topics. 

Indonesia legislature scraps election law changes after protests. Al Jazeera English

Protests erupt in Java, Indonesia over election law changes | The World ABC News 08/22/2024


俄罗斯对库尔斯克的报道感到愤怒后,意大利记者将返回意大利 Russian anger over Kursk coverage ....

两名意大利记者斯特凡尼亚·巴蒂斯蒂尼和摄影师西蒙尼·特雷尼将返回意大利,他们因在乌克兰控制的俄罗斯库尔斯克地区进行的电视报道激怒了莫斯科。(美国之音,2024 年 8 月 17 日)


俄罗斯外交部召见意大利大使,称 RAI 工作人员非法越境。RAI 公司决定暂时将记者带回,以确保他们的安全。俄罗斯塔斯社报道称,俄罗斯联邦安全局已对这两名记者提起刑事诉讼。(美国之音,2024 年 8 月 17 日)

在乌克兰军方护送下工作的 RAI 工作人员制作了第一份来自饱受战争破坏的俄罗斯小镇苏贾的外国媒体报道。巴蒂斯蒂尼和特拉尼定于周日飞回米兰。(美国之音,2024 年 8 月 17 日)

意大利外交部强调,RAI 及其新闻团队独立行事,并声称“新闻业不是犯罪”。RAI 记者工会和意大利全国新闻工会 FNSI 在一份联合声明中表达了这种观点。(美国之音,2024 年 8 月 17 日)


Two Italian journalists, Stefania Battistini and cameraman Simone Traini, who angered Moscow with a TV report from Ukrainian-held parts of Russia’s Kursk region, will return to Italy. (VOA, 08/17/2024)

Their report was the first foreign media coverage from the war-damaged Russian town of Sudzha, which was taken during Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry summoned Italy’s ambassador over what it called illegal border crossing by a RAI crew. The RAI company decided to bring the journalists back temporarily to ensure their safety. Russia’s TASS news agency reported that the FSB state security service has opened criminal cases against the two journalists. (VOA, 08/17/2024)

The RAI crew, working under Ukrainian military escort, produced the first foreign media report from the war-damaged Russian town of Sudzha. Battistini and Traini are scheduled to fly back to Milan on Sunday. (VOA, 08/17/2024)

Italy’s foreign ministry emphasized that RAI and its news teams acted independently, asserting that “journalism is not a crime.” The RAI union of journalists and Italy’s national press union FNSI echoed this sentiment in a joint statement. (VOA, 08/17/2024)

These two journalists gain my respect.


- 记者的勇气:了解巴蒂斯蒂尼和特拉尼如何冒着生命危险揭露重要新闻。

- 从尼古拉·利林到瓦罗,俄罗斯宣传人员的疯狂反应

- 新闻自由的价值:为什么即使在冲突地区也必须捍卫知情权?


The following video shows:

- The courage of journalists: Discover how Battistini and Traini risked their lives to bring an important story to light.

- The unhinged reaction of Russian propagandists, from Nicolai Lilin to Vauro

- The value of freedom of the press: Why is it essential to defend the right to inform even in conflict zones?

Don't miss this in-depth look at a crucial topic for journalism and democracy. If you do not understand Italian, you may use the YouTube function-caption, it can be translated into English or Chinese. This is what I did.

俄罗斯多次轰炸乌克兰平民设施 Russia's Bombing of Civilian Facilities in Ukraine

2024 年 7 月 8 日,俄罗斯对基辅发动了毁灭性的导弹袭击,悲剧性地击中了奥赫马迪特儿童医院。两人丧生,医院遭到严重破坏。其他值得注意的平民爆炸事件包括 2022 年 3 月 9 日的马里乌波尔妇产医院、2022 年 4 月 8 日的克拉马托尔斯克火车站、2022 年 8 月 28 日的赫尔松州居民区甚至公共厕所。俄罗斯军队多次瞄准乌克兰城市的居民区,导致大量平民伤亡和大面积破坏。

On July 8, 2024, Russia launched devastating missile strikes on Kyiv, tragically hitting the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital. Two lives were lost, with major damage inflicted on the hospital. Other notable incidents of Civilian bombings include but not limited to Mariupol Maternity Hospital on March 9, 2022, Kramatorsk Train Station on April 8, 2022, a public toilet in Kherson Oblast on August 28, 2022, and residential areas. Russian forces have repeatedly targeted residential areas in Ukrainian cities, leading to significant numbers of civilian casualties and widespread of destruction. 

Ukraine Retaliates for Putin's Horrific Attack on Children's Hospital-The Military Show

How did Ukraine Invasion of Russia Happened? AiTelly

Сектор Газа - Симфонический оркестр 加薩走廊 - 交響樂團

 Некоторая информация:

Отрывок из концерта "Симфоническая секция..."

Воронежский концертный зал, 6 октября 2023 г.

加薩走廊  - 交響樂團 (Gaza - Symphony Orchestra)

2023 年 10 月 6 日, 沃羅涅日音樂廳,音樂會的片段“交響樂部門......”

Сектор Газа - Туман - Симфонический оркестр

Gaza - Fog - Symphony Orchestra 加薩走廊 - 霧 - 交響樂團

Сектор Газа - Life - Симфонический оркестр

Gaza Strip - Life - Symphony Orchestra 加薩走廊 - 生活 - 交響樂團


有关于: 苹果的人工智能生态系统 Apple's AI Ecosystem

乌斯曼·卡比尔 (Usman Kabir) 发表了一篇题为《苹果公司 (AAPL):您不应错过的人工智能股票》的文章。这篇文章很有趣,以下是一些亮点:

苹果公司(纳斯达克股票代码:AAPL)是消费电子领域的巨头,正在人工智能 (AI) 领域取得重大进展。凭借庞大的用户基础和创新产品的历史,苹果的人工智能相关发展受到科技爱好者和投资者的密切关注。


苹果的人工智能生态系统已经很完善。其设备,包括 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac,都配备了强大的处理器,能够处理复杂的人工智能任务。该公司的软件更新,例如 iOS 和 macOS,定期引入新的人工智能功能。这些功能涵盖从高级摄影功能到 Siri 等智能个人助理。


苹果公司最雄心勃勃的项目之一涉及开发由人工智能驱动的人形机器人。据传这款机器人将于 2026 年或 2027 年投入生产,可能有多种用途,从桌面伴侣到家庭安全设备。该机器人可能由苹果专有的人工智能平台 Apple Intelligence 提供支持,预计很快将在全球的苹果设备上推出。


苹果强劲的财务表现增强了投资者的信心。该公司的盈利一直超出预期,证明了其在竞争激烈的科技领域中驾驭的能力。投资咨询公司摩根士丹利维持苹果股票增持评级,目标价为 273 美元。分析师埃里克·伍德林 (Erik Woodring) 表示,iPhone 产量的增加是支持他看涨前景的关键因素。



Usman Kabir has published an article titled, "Apple Inc. (AAPL): An AI Stock You Should Not Miss." This article is interesting, and here are some highlights: 

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), a titan in consumer electronics, is making significant strides in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). With a massive user base and a history of innovative products, Apple's AI-related developments are closely watched by tech enthusiasts and investors alike.

Apple's AI Ecosystem

Apple's AI ecosystem is already well-established. Its devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Macs, are equipped with powerful processors capable of handling complex AI tasks. The company's software updates, such as iOS and macOS, regularly introduce new AI features. These features range from advanced photography capabilities to intelligent personal assistants like Siri.

A Humanoid Future: Apple's AI Robot

One of Apple's most ambitious projects involves the development of a humanoid robot powered by AI. This robot, rumored to be in production by 2026 or 2027, could potentially serve a variety of purposes, from being a desktop companion to a home security device. The robot would likely be powered by Apple's proprietary AI platform, Apple Intelligence, which is expected to roll out on Apple devices worldwide soon.

Financial Strength and Investor Confidence

Apple's strong financial performance has bolstered investor confidence. The company has consistently exceeded earnings expectations, a testament to its ability to navigate the competitive tech landscape. Investment advisory firm Morgan Stanley has maintained an Overweight rating on Apple's stock, with a price target of $273. Analyst Erik Woodring cited increased iPhone production as a key factor supporting his bullish outlook.

In conclusion, Apple's commitment to AI is evident in its ongoing product development and research. With a robust ecosystem, a promising humanoid robot project, and a strong financial foundation, Apple is well-positioned to remain a leader in the AI revolution.

This article shares only a few pieces of information. Thus, it is not a comprehensive analysis; it does not constitute investment advice. 

中国海军与航行自由。Chinese Navy and Freedom of Navigation.

中国于 2024 年 8 月 19 日警告德国不要派遣军舰前往——台湾海峡,声称这将干涉其内政。 (新闻周刊,2024 年 8 月 20 日)

台湾海峡是一条宽180公里的海峡,将台湾岛与亚洲大陆分开。它向北连接南海和东海。国际社会认为该海峡是国际水道,航行自由受到国际法的保障(维基百科,08/20/2024)。美国等国坚称台湾海峡不是中国领土,而是南海的一部分。 (美台商会,2024年8月20日)

中国海军的航行自由。 2024 年 8 月 10 日报道,两艘中国船只穿越英伦海峡,往返俄罗斯海军日庆祝活动。这两艘军舰分别是中国的7500吨驱逐舰焦作号和23400吨补给舰洪湖号。 (独立,2024 年 8 月 10 日)

英伦海峡海峡长约 350 英里(560 公里)。最宽处长达 150 英里(240 公里),最窄处则在多佛海峡缩小至仅 21 英里(34 公里)。 (ncesc.com) 就其国际地位而言,海峡最狭窄的部分——多佛海峡——位于英国和法国领海以内。在其他地区,国际水域将英国和法国的领海分开。 (Tovisorga.com)

  • 美国海岸警卫队在阿拉斯加附近海域发现多艘中国军舰。在阿留申群岛阿姆奇特卡山口以北约 124 英里处发现了三艘船只,在该州阿姆克塔山口以北约 84 英里处发现了第四艘船只。 (哥伦比亚广播公司新闻,2024 年 7 月 11 日)
  • 此外,早前,一支由 11 艘中国和俄罗斯军舰组成的联合舰队在阿拉斯加岛链附近的国际水域巡逻,在美国和加拿大境内敲响了警报。 (美国新闻,08/08/2024)
  • 去年 (2023 年 4 月 10 日)在台湾附近观察到多艘中国海军舰艇和一艘航空母舰。(纽约时报,04/10/2024) 
  • 2023 年 4 月,由一艘强大驱逐舰率领的中国海军舰队进行了为期 12 天的日本主要岛屿环绕航行。(CNN Business,2024 年 4 月 20 日)
  • 最近,中国和菲律宾海警船只于2024年8月19日在萨比纳浅滩附近发生相撞。萨比纳浅滩距离菲律宾巴拉望岛 86 英里,在菲律宾视为其专属经济区 (EEZ) 的 200 英里范围内。 (华盛顿邮报,2024 年 8 月 19 日)

China warned Germany on August 19, 2024, not to send warships to Formosa Strait, separating China and Taiwan, claiming this would be an interference with its internal affairs. (Newsweek, 08/20/2024)

The Taiwan Strait is a 180-kilometer-wide strait separating the island of Taiwan from the Asian continent. It connects the South China Sea to the East China Sea to the north. The international community considers the strait an international waterway where freedom of navigation is guaranteed under international law (WIKIPEDIA, 08/20/2024). The United States, among others, maintains that the Taiwan Strait is not Chinese territory but rather part of the South China Sea. (US-Taiwan Business Council, 08/20/2024)

Chinese navy - freedom of navigation. A report on August 10, 2024, that two Chinese vessels as they sailed through the English Channel on their way to and from Russian navy day celebrations. The two warships in question are China ’s Jiaozuo, a 7,500-tonne destroyer, and Honghu, a 23,400-tonne supply ship. (Independent, 08/10/2024)

The English Channel is approximately 350 miles (560 kilometers) long. At its widest point, it spans 150 miles (240 kilometers), while at its narrowest, it narrows down to a mere 21 miles (34 kilometers) in the Strait of Dover. (ncesc.com) As for its international status, the narrowest part of the Channel—the Dover Strait—is within British and French territorial waters. In other areas, international waters separate UK and French territorial waters. (Tovisorga.com)

A Few Other Recent Activities:
  • Multiple Chinese military ships were spotted by the U.S. Coast Guard in the waters off Alaska. Three vessels were detected about 124 miles north of the Amchitka Pass in the Aleutian Islands, and a fourth ship was spotted about 84 miles north of the state's Amukta Pass. (CBS News, 07/11/2024

  • Additionally, a joint flotilla of 11 Chinese and Russian warships patrolled international waters near the Alaskan island chain last week, raising alarms within the U.S. and Canada. (US News, 08/08/2024

  • Numbers of Chinese naval ships and an aircraft carrier were observed near Taiwan on April 10, 2023. (New York Times, 04/10/2024

  • A Chinese naval flotilla led by a powerful destroyer has been on a 12-day circumnavigation of Japan’s main islands in April 2023. (CNN Business, 04/20/2024)

  • Finally, Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels collided on August 19, 2024, near the Sabina Shoal. The Sabina Shoal is 86 miles from the Philippine Island of Palawan, within the 200 miles that the Philippines considers its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). (The Washington Post, 08/19/2024)


有关于Nvidia的Blackwell GPU的信息

《The Motley Fool》杂志的杰里米·鲍曼 (Jeremy Bowman) 发表了一篇题为“立即购买 Nvidia 股票的 3000 亿个理由”的文章。这是一篇有趣的文章。要点:1. 谷歌前首席执行官埃里克·施密特最近在斯坦福大学的一次谈话中评论了人工智能的演变,称企业正计划在人工智能基础设施上花费数百亿甚至数千亿美元。 2. OpenAI首席执行官萨姆·奥尔特曼(Sam Altman)计划筹集7万亿美元来扩大世界半导体产业,以实现通用人工智能(AGI)。其他企业家,例如埃隆·马斯克,也在朝着这一目标努力。 3. 英伟达首席执行官黄仁勋认为,AGI 还需要五年时间,因此人工智能投资可能会在此期间增加。另外,有报道称其Blackwell B200芯片被发现存在设计缺陷。Nvidia 需要改进其 Blackwell GPU 的设计。因此,发货开始时间被推迟。无论如何,Alphabet、微软和 Meta 都拥有价值“数百亿美元”的巨额 Blackwell 订单,而亚马逊则将其 Nvidia AI 加速器订单从 Hopper 转移到 Blackwell。详情请点击英文部分的链接。最近, Nvidia 的 Rubin 平台在原始功率方面是超越 AMD 和英特尔的芯片。然而,AMD 和英特尔产品的市场定位和独特卖点也很重要。 (计算机世界,2024 年 6 月 4 日)



Jeremy Bowman, The Motley Fool, published an article titled as "300 Billion Reasons to Buy Nvidia Stock Now." This is an interesting article. And here are its key points:

In a recent conversation at Stanford University, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt commented on the evolution of artificial intelligence, saying that companies were planning to spend tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars on AI infrastructure. For example, the project of Microsoft and OpenAI known as Stargate AI, could cost as much as $100 billion. The demand in the industry is much higher than that. 

Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO, is planning to raise $7 trillion to expand the world's semiconductor industry in order to achieve artificial general intelligence (AGI). Other enterpreneurs, such as Elon Musk, are also working toward this goal. 

Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO, believes that AGI is five years away, so AI investment may increase during that time. For details, please check the orignal article.

On the other hand, there is a report that a design flaw in its Blackwell B200 chip was found. This issue is probably related to the fact being one of the first to use Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturer's new CoWoS-L packaging technology. Thus, Nvidia is needed to revamp the design of its Blackwell GPUs. Consequently, the start of shipments is delayed. Anyway, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Meta all have huge Blackwell orders worth "tens of billions of dollars" while Amazon was moving its Nvidia AI accelerator orders from Hopper to Blackwell. For details, please click the link: (The Motley Fool, 08/18/2024)

Then, how are AMD and Intel's chips compared to Nvidia's? Prasanth Aby Thomas at Computerworld states, Nvidia’s Rubin platform can outperform chips from rivals AMD and Intel in terms of raw power. However, the market positioning and unique selling points of AMD and Intel’s offerings are also important. (Computerworld, 06/04/2024)

Note this article is not an investment advice. It is just an information sharing.

Credit: Forbes / AFP via Getty Images



古代: 公元前 1020 年左右,以色列人在扫罗王的领导下建立了联合王国。然而,内部纷争和外部压力导致这个王国分裂为以色列(北部)和犹大(南部).

青铜时代: 迦南文明于公元前 2000 年左右发展起来。青铜时代晚期,埃及成为该地区的附庸.

铁器时代: 以色列和犹大王国的出现,塑造了犹太人和撒马利亚人的起源.

罗马统治: 公元 1 世纪和 2 世纪的犹太-罗马战争之后,许多犹太人流离失所或被卖为奴隶.

基督教和伊斯兰教: 到 4 世纪,基督教取代犹太教成为主流宗教。伊斯兰教后来在 7 世纪征服了该地区.

十字军东征和蒙古征服: 十字军东征期间,宗教战争时有发生。蒙古人的征服被马穆鲁克苏丹国阻止.

现代以色列国: 1948年,以色列宣告独立,与邻国发生冲突.


领土背景: 加沙是地中海东部沿岸的一片狭长地带,南部与埃及接壤,北部和东部与以色列接壤.


1948 阿以战争: 1948 年以色列建国后,加沙由埃及管理.

1967 六日战争: 以色列占领了加沙、约旦河西岸、西奈半岛和戈兰高地.

1993 奥斯陆协议: 加沙被移交给巴勒斯坦权力机构控制,但紧张局势依然存在.

2005 脱离接触 (Disengagement): 以色列单方面从加沙撤出定居者和军队,导致哈马斯接管.

哈马斯统治(Hamas Rule): 自 2007 年以来,哈马斯(巴勒斯坦激进组织)一直统治着加沙,而以色列则保持封锁.

现状 (08/2024):

封锁: 以色列对加沙实施海上封锁,限制进出口.

冲突: 周期性爆发冲突,造成人员伤亡和人道主义危机.

人权问题: 加沙局势涉及人权问题,包括获取基本必需品和行动自由.

去年 10 月(2023 年),哈马斯向以色列发射了 3,000 多枚火箭弹。武装人员深入以色列控制的领土。这是自 1948 年阿以战争以来首次入侵以色列领土。这些袭击引发了持续不断的以哈战争。

现在,美国、卡塔尔和埃及提出了一项旨在弥合以色列和哈马斯之间分歧的提案,此前双方在结束加沙战争和确保释放以色列人质的谈判上陷入僵局数月. (Financial Time, 08/20/24)


强调,这只是一个简短的总结。这个话题还有更多值得探索的内容!如需了解详细信息和准确性,请 Google 或 Bing 搜索相关信息. 

Gaza ceasefire talks resume for second day in Qatar | BBC News



10/07/2023-today 哈马斯对以色列发动了血腥的突然袭击,造成 1,200 名以色列人死亡,并劫持了约 250 名人质。哈马斯和以色列之间的战争开始了。以色列的回应是夷平了哈马斯管辖的加沙巴勒斯坦飞地的大部分地区,造成近 4 万人死亡,这并没有将哈马斯武装分子与平民区分开来. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

10/2023-today 美国一直在调解战争停火,推动以色列和哈马斯达成协议。出于对伊朗报复性袭击的担忧。哈马斯是伊朗傀儡民兵. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

06/17/2024 以色列国防军在加沙发现了大量最近获得的中国先进军事装备和武器技术。此外,以色列国防军还发现了两名中国人民解放军隧道工程师. (Newsweek, 06/17/2024)

07/25/2024 中国主持了巴勒斯坦14个派别之间的和解会谈,中国外交部长王毅表示,该协议“致力于所有14个派别的伟大和解与团结”。王进一步表示,“就加沙战后治理和建立临时民族和解政府达成了协议。” 1993年,政党联盟(巴解组织)与以色列签署了和平条约,并在巴勒斯坦权力机构(PA)中组建了新政府。哈马斯不属于巴解组织. (CNN 07/25/2024)

07/31/2024 哈马斯政治领导人伊斯梅尔·哈尼亚 (Ismail Haniyeh) 及其私人保镖在伊朗首都德黑兰被以色列袭击暗杀。 (The New York Time, 08/01/2024)

08/06/2024 伊朗官员称俄罗斯已开始向伊朗提供先进的防空和雷达设备. (The Times of Israel, 08/06/2024)

08/11/2024 中国外交部长王毅与伊朗外长、代理外交部长阿里·巴盖里通电话。中方坚决反对并强烈谴责此次刺杀事件,认为这严重违反国际关系基本原则,严重侵犯伊朗主权、安全和尊严,直接破坏加沙停火谈判,影响地区和平与稳定。”王毅进一步表示,中方支持伊朗的自卫立场. (UPI News, 08/12/2024)

08/14/2024 马尼拉与以色列埃尔比特系统公司签署了价值 1.14 亿美元的合同,购买两架军用 ATR 72 飞机. (AEROFLAP, 08/14/2024) 中国对几乎整个南海拥有主权,与菲律宾和其他一些东南亚国家的海洋主张重叠。 2016年,海牙的一个法庭称中国的主张没有法律依据,但北京方面拒绝了这一决定。中国和菲律宾之间存在紧张局势. (The Guardian, 07/22/2024)

08/16/2024 伊朗正在寻求与两家中国卫星公司建立合作伙伴关系,以扩大其远程监视和情报收集的能力,可能包括以色列和整个中东军事目标的高分辨率图像。与中国的这项协议可以为伊朗提供增强的弹道导弹瞄准能力以及检测即将发生的袭击的预警系统。伊朗还可能向胡塞叛军、叙利亚和伊拉克民兵等盟友提供卫星情报。伊朗此前曾向这些组织提供从中国购买的卫星图像. (The Jerusalem Post, 08/17/2024)

Why has Iran waited this long to attack Israel for Haniyeh’s death? | What’s Iran’s game plan?