
中国海军与航行自由。Chinese Navy and Freedom of Navigation.

中国于 2024 年 8 月 19 日警告德国不要派遣军舰前往——台湾海峡,声称这将干涉其内政。 (新闻周刊,2024 年 8 月 20 日)

台湾海峡是一条宽180公里的海峡,将台湾岛与亚洲大陆分开。它向北连接南海和东海。国际社会认为该海峡是国际水道,航行自由受到国际法的保障(维基百科,08/20/2024)。美国等国坚称台湾海峡不是中国领土,而是南海的一部分。 (美台商会,2024年8月20日)

中国海军的航行自由。 2024 年 8 月 10 日报道,两艘中国船只穿越英伦海峡,往返俄罗斯海军日庆祝活动。这两艘军舰分别是中国的7500吨驱逐舰焦作号和23400吨补给舰洪湖号。 (独立,2024 年 8 月 10 日)

英伦海峡海峡长约 350 英里(560 公里)。最宽处长达 150 英里(240 公里),最窄处则在多佛海峡缩小至仅 21 英里(34 公里)。 (ncesc.com) 就其国际地位而言,海峡最狭窄的部分——多佛海峡——位于英国和法国领海以内。在其他地区,国际水域将英国和法国的领海分开。 (Tovisorga.com)

  • 美国海岸警卫队在阿拉斯加附近海域发现多艘中国军舰。在阿留申群岛阿姆奇特卡山口以北约 124 英里处发现了三艘船只,在该州阿姆克塔山口以北约 84 英里处发现了第四艘船只。 (哥伦比亚广播公司新闻,2024 年 7 月 11 日)
  • 此外,早前,一支由 11 艘中国和俄罗斯军舰组成的联合舰队在阿拉斯加岛链附近的国际水域巡逻,在美国和加拿大境内敲响了警报。 (美国新闻,08/08/2024)
  • 去年 (2023 年 4 月 10 日)在台湾附近观察到多艘中国海军舰艇和一艘航空母舰。(纽约时报,04/10/2024) 
  • 2023 年 4 月,由一艘强大驱逐舰率领的中国海军舰队进行了为期 12 天的日本主要岛屿环绕航行。(CNN Business,2024 年 4 月 20 日)
  • 最近,中国和菲律宾海警船只于2024年8月19日在萨比纳浅滩附近发生相撞。萨比纳浅滩距离菲律宾巴拉望岛 86 英里,在菲律宾视为其专属经济区 (EEZ) 的 200 英里范围内。 (华盛顿邮报,2024 年 8 月 19 日)

China warned Germany on August 19, 2024, not to send warships to Formosa Strait, separating China and Taiwan, claiming this would be an interference with its internal affairs. (Newsweek, 08/20/2024)

The Taiwan Strait is a 180-kilometer-wide strait separating the island of Taiwan from the Asian continent. It connects the South China Sea to the East China Sea to the north. The international community considers the strait an international waterway where freedom of navigation is guaranteed under international law (WIKIPEDIA, 08/20/2024). The United States, among others, maintains that the Taiwan Strait is not Chinese territory but rather part of the South China Sea. (US-Taiwan Business Council, 08/20/2024)

Chinese navy - freedom of navigation. A report on August 10, 2024, that two Chinese vessels as they sailed through the English Channel on their way to and from Russian navy day celebrations. The two warships in question are China ’s Jiaozuo, a 7,500-tonne destroyer, and Honghu, a 23,400-tonne supply ship. (Independent, 08/10/2024)

The English Channel is approximately 350 miles (560 kilometers) long. At its widest point, it spans 150 miles (240 kilometers), while at its narrowest, it narrows down to a mere 21 miles (34 kilometers) in the Strait of Dover. (ncesc.com) As for its international status, the narrowest part of the Channel—the Dover Strait—is within British and French territorial waters. In other areas, international waters separate UK and French territorial waters. (Tovisorga.com)

A Few Other Recent Activities:
  • Multiple Chinese military ships were spotted by the U.S. Coast Guard in the waters off Alaska. Three vessels were detected about 124 miles north of the Amchitka Pass in the Aleutian Islands, and a fourth ship was spotted about 84 miles north of the state's Amukta Pass. (CBS News, 07/11/2024

  • Additionally, a joint flotilla of 11 Chinese and Russian warships patrolled international waters near the Alaskan island chain last week, raising alarms within the U.S. and Canada. (US News, 08/08/2024

  • Numbers of Chinese naval ships and an aircraft carrier were observed near Taiwan on April 10, 2023. (New York Times, 04/10/2024

  • A Chinese naval flotilla led by a powerful destroyer has been on a 12-day circumnavigation of Japan’s main islands in April 2023. (CNN Business, 04/20/2024)

  • Finally, Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels collided on August 19, 2024, near the Sabina Shoal. The Sabina Shoal is 86 miles from the Philippine Island of Palawan, within the 200 miles that the Philippines considers its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). (The Washington Post, 08/19/2024)

