
数千人抗议后印度尼西亚放弃改变选举法的计划 Thousands Force Indonesia to Abandon Election Law Revisions

在印度尼西亚,在即将卸任的总统的盟友试图修改选举规则后,数千名抗议者与警察发生冲突,这可能会导致一个政治王朝。 8 月 20 日,议会正在修订宪法法院关于即将举行的地区选举的候选人年龄要求的命令,取代一项使佐科·维多多总统最小的儿子、29 岁的 Kaesang Pangarep 没有资格的裁决。最终,立法者取消了批准选举法修订案的计划。 (半岛电视台,2024 年 8 月 22 日

印度尼西亚民主历史的简要概述:在荷兰殖民时期,印度尼西亚经历了有限形式的自治。然而,荷兰人仍然保持着最终的控制权。第二次世界大战期间日本对印度尼西亚的占领导致印度尼西亚民族主义的复兴和独立的愿望。日本投降后,印度尼西亚宣布独立,并与荷兰人进行战争以维护其主权。苏加诺,该国第一任总统,建立了一个日益专制的有指导的民主制度。他的政策导致经济不稳定和社会动荡。苏哈托将军于1966年夺取政权,开启了独裁统治时期。他的政权压制异议并专注于经济发展。1998年的学生抗议导致苏哈托下台,标志着民主转型的开始。印度尼西亚举行自由选举并实施改革以加强其民主机构。然而,该国在巩固民主和解决独裁统治遗留问题方面面临挑战。有关印度尼西亚民主历史或其他相关方面的详细信息和准确性,请通过 Google 或 Bing 搜索相关主题。

In Indonesia, thousands of protesters clash with police after the outgoing president’s allies try to revise election rules, which could have led to a political dynasty. On August 20, the parliament was working on the revision of a Constitutional Court order over candidate age requirements for upcoming regional polls, superseding a ruling that had made President Joko Widodo’s youngest son, 29-year-old Kaesang Pangarep, ineligible. Eventually, legislators have cancelled plans to ratify revisions to election laws. (Aljazeera, August 22, 2024)

Here is a brief overview of Indonesia's democratic history - a timeline

Colonial Era (1602-1945): During the Dutch colonial period, Indonesia experienced limited forms of self-governance. However, the Dutch maintained ultimate control.
Japanese Occupation (1942-1945): The Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II led to a resurgence of Indonesian nationalism and a desire for independence.
Independence (1945): After the Japanese surrender, Indonesia declared its independence and fought a war against the Dutch to maintain its sovereignty.
Sukarno Era (1945-1966): Sukarno, the country's first president, established a guided democracy that was increasingly authoritarian. His policies led to economic instability and social unrest.
Suharto Era (1966-1998): General Suharto seized power in 1966, ushering in a period of authoritarian rule. His regime suppressed dissent and focused on economic development.
Reform Era (1998-Present): The fall of Suharto in 1998 marked the beginning of a democratic transition. Indonesia held free elections and implemented reforms to strengthen its democratic institutions. However, the country has faced challenges in consolidating its democracy and addressing the legacy of authoritarian rule.

Key events and turning points in Indonesia's democratic history include:

  •     The 1998 student protests that led to Suharto's resignation.
  •     The 1999 elections that brought about a peaceful transfer of power.
  •     The establishment of a Constitutional Court in 2003 to safeguard democratic principles.
  •     The ongoing efforts to combat corruption and promote good governance.

Indonesia's democratic history is a testament to the resilience of its people and their commitment to building a just and equitable society. While challenges remain, the country has made significant strides in its journey towards a fully functioning democracy. For details and accuracy about Indonesia's democratic history or other related aspects, please Google or Bing search the related topics. 

Indonesia legislature scraps election law changes after protests. Al Jazeera English

Protests erupt in Java, Indonesia over election law changes | The World ABC News 08/22/2024

