
俄罗斯多次轰炸乌克兰平民设施 Russia's Bombing of Civilian Facilities in Ukraine

2024 年 7 月 8 日,俄罗斯对基辅发动了毁灭性的导弹袭击,悲剧性地击中了奥赫马迪特儿童医院。两人丧生,医院遭到严重破坏。其他值得注意的平民爆炸事件包括 2022 年 3 月 9 日的马里乌波尔妇产医院、2022 年 4 月 8 日的克拉马托尔斯克火车站、2022 年 8 月 28 日的赫尔松州居民区甚至公共厕所。俄罗斯军队多次瞄准乌克兰城市的居民区,导致大量平民伤亡和大面积破坏。

On July 8, 2024, Russia launched devastating missile strikes on Kyiv, tragically hitting the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital. Two lives were lost, with major damage inflicted on the hospital. Other notable incidents of Civilian bombings include but not limited to Mariupol Maternity Hospital on March 9, 2022, Kramatorsk Train Station on April 8, 2022, a public toilet in Kherson Oblast on August 28, 2022, and residential areas. Russian forces have repeatedly targeted residential areas in Ukrainian cities, leading to significant numbers of civilian casualties and widespread of destruction. 

Ukraine Retaliates for Putin's Horrific Attack on Children's Hospital-The Military Show

How did Ukraine Invasion of Russia Happened? AiTelly

