
Timeline of Russian Invasions and Occupations

Based on my questions, an online AI prepared the timeline of Russian Invasions and Occupations. Here is its response:

Before we begin, it's important to clarify that the term "occupied" implies a level of control and administration over a territory that might not accurately reflect the complex realities of many of the situations we'll discuss. In some cases, the term "annexed" or "claimed" might be more appropriate.

Timeline of Russian Invasions and Occupations

Imperial Russia

  • 18th and 19th centuries: Russia expands its territory significantly through conquest and colonization, incorporating vast swathes of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and parts of Eastern Europe.

Soviet Union

  • 1939: Invasion and occupation of Eastern Poland, following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with Nazi Germany.
  • 1940: Occupation of Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and Bessarabia (part of Romania).
  • 1944-1949: Occupation of Eastern Europe and parts of Germany, establishing communist regimes.

Post-Soviet Russia

  • 1992: Deployment of Russian peacekeeping forces to Transnistria, a breakaway region of Moldova.
  • 2008: Invasion of Georgia and subsequent recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
  • 2014: Annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.
  • 2014: Support for separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, leading to the ongoing conflict.
  • 2022: Full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Ongoing Disputes

  • Kuril Islands: Russia controls the islands claimed by Japan since the end of World War II.

Please note: This timeline focuses on major events and does not include every instance of Russian military intervention or influence. The situation in Ukraine is ongoing and complex, and the territorial disputes in the region have deep historical roots.


But, I remember, Russia has invaded and occupied a portion of Finland's land. I asked the AI, if it is correct. Here is its response:

Yes, that's correct.

Russia did invade and occupy a portion of Finland's land. This occurred during the Winter War of 1939-1940. As a result of the conflict, Finland ceded approximately 9% of its territory to the Soviet Union.


I then asked the AI, what are other invasions that Russia was involved? Here is its answer:

Russia, or its predecessor states, has been involved in numerous conflicts and territorial disputes throughout history. Here are some notable examples:

Imperial Russia

  • Caucasus Wars: A series of conflicts against various Caucasian peoples in the 19th century, resulting in the incorporation of the region into the Russian Empire.
  • Conquest of Central Asia: A prolonged process of expansion into Central Asia, culminating in the establishment of Russian rule over the region by the late 19th century.

Soviet Union

  • Afghan War (1979-1989): A protracted conflict against Afghan mujahideen, supported by the United States, with significant consequences for the region.
  • Hungarian Uprising of 1956: Soviet invasion to suppress a popular uprising against communist rule.
  • Czechoslovakian Invasion of 1968: Similar to Hungary, the Soviet Union intervened to crush the "Prague Spring" reforms.

Post-Soviet Russia

  • Chechen Wars (1994-2009): Two major conflicts in the North Caucasus region, marked by significant human rights abuses.
  • Support for separatists in Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia: Russia has provided political, economic, and military support to these breakaway regions.

It's important to note that the nature of Russian involvement in these conflicts varies widely. Some were direct invasions, while others involved supporting proxy forces or intervening in internal conflicts.

(Note, the article above is prepared by an online AI. For accuracy and details, please try Google search.)

History of Russia in 5 Minutes - Animation

