
TVB收入回升: 福祿壽訓練學院之雙管齊下的 「香港小姐」,李思捷 難分真與假, 關嘉敏《屈到病》

香港最大的免費廣播公司 TVB 2024 年上半年的淨虧損年減 65%,降至 1.43 億港元(約 1,830 萬美元)。廣告收入的反彈。 TVB半年業績顯示,連續六年虧損後出現扭虧為盈。該公司主席許杜濤對香港電視廣播和內地業務的持續成長表示樂觀。值得注意的是,無線電視的目標是擴大在大灣區的影響力,將廣東省、香港和澳門的城市連結起來,成為一個經濟強國。自 2019 年以來,該廣播公司上半年實現了正 EBITDA(未計利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前利潤),顯示財務表現有所改善。

出現扭虧為盈 - 这是否和节目质素提升有关?

福祿壽訓練學院之雙管齊下的 「香港小姐」

李思捷 難分真與假, 關嘉敏《屈到病》

TVB reduces losses due to recovery in advertising income

Hong Kong’s largest free-to-air broadcaster, TVB, significantly reduced its net losses by 65% year on year, bringing them down to HK$143 million (approximately US$18.3 million) during the first half of 2024. This positive trend was driven by robust growth in business, primarily due to a rebound in advertising income. TVB’s half-year results revealed a turnaround after six consecutive years of losses. The company’s chairman, Thomas Hui To, expressed optimism about continued growth in both Hong Kong television broadcasting and mainland operations. Notably, TVB aims to expand its presence in the Greater Bay Area, linking cities in Guangdong province, Hong Kong, and Macau into an economic powerhouse. The broadcaster achieved positive EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) for the first half-year period since 2019, demonstrating improved financial performance.

