
11. Myanmar - Brief History and Recent News / 緬甸- 簡史和一些近期新聞

Here’s an overview of significant events in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) over the past two decades:

Transition from Military Rule /从军事统治的过渡 (2010):
  • In November 2010, military rule was replaced by a new military-backed civilian government, marking the beginning of reforms.
  • 2010年11月,军事统治被新的军方支持的文职政府取代,标志着改革的开始。

2015 Elections and Aung San Suu Kyi’s Victory/2015 年选举和昂山素季的胜利:
  • In 2015, Myanmar held its first openly contested elections in decades.
  • The main opposition party, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, won in a landslide.
  • 2015年,缅甸举行了数十年来首次公开竞争的选举。
  • 昂山素季领导的主要反对党以压倒性优势获胜。

Rohingya Crisis/罗兴亚危机 (2017):
  • The military launched a brutal campaign against the Rohingya minority, resulting in widespread displacement and allegations of ethnic cleansing.
  • 军方对罗辛亚少数民族发起残酷行动,导致大规模流离失所和种族清洗指控。

2021 Coup and Ongoing Protests/2021 年政变和持续的抗议活动:
  • In February 2021, the military staged a coup, detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and other civilian leaders.
  • Protests erupted across the country, leading to a civil war and humanitarian crisis.
  • 2021年2月,军方发动政变,拘留昂山素季和其他文职领导人。
  • 全国各地爆发抗议活动,导致内战和人道主义危机。

Economic Turmoil and Health Crisis/经济动荡和健康危机:
  • The coup triggered economic instability, with the economy shrinking by nearly 20% in 2021.
  • The health-care system collapsed amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Myanmar’s history remains complex, shaped by military dominance, democratic aspirations, and ongoing challenges.
  • 政变引发经济不稳定,2021年经济萎缩近20%。
  • 医疗保健系统在 COVID-19 大流行期间崩溃了。
  • 缅甸的历史仍然很复杂,受到军事统治、民主愿望和持续挑战的影响。

Recent News  近期新聞

  • Myanmar rebels are claiming their biggest victory yet over junta forces. Could it be a turning point in the brutal civil war?緬甸叛軍聲稱對軍政府部隊取得了迄今為止最大的勝利。這會成為殘酷內戰的轉捩點嗎? (CNN 8/3/2024)
  • Myanmar's junta terrorised a Rohingya Muslim town. Then rebels burned it down. 緬甸軍政府對羅興亞穆斯林城鎮進行恐怖攻擊。然後叛軍將其燒毀. (Reuters 8/3/2024)
  • Myanmar military government extends state of emergency by six months 緬甸軍政府將緊急狀態延長六個月 (Al Jazeera 7/31/2024)

