
China Breaks Silence on Ukraine's Kursk Offensive 中国打破对乌克兰库尔斯克攻势的沉默

乌克兰越境入侵俄罗斯库尔斯克州,始于 8 月 6 日。中国打破对乌克兰库尔斯克攻势的沉默。中国外交部发言人周一呼吁“各方”遵守缓和局势的“三项原则”:“不扩大战场、不升级战事、不火上浇油”。 (新闻周刊) 自 2022 年 2 月 24 日俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰以来,联合国估计至少有 11,520 名平民丧生,至少 23,640 人受伤。(Google Translate)  

Трансграничное вторжение Украины в Курскую область России началось 6 августа. Китай нарушает молчание по поводу наступления Украины на Курской дуге. Представитель МИД Китая в понедельник призвал «все стороны» соблюдать «три принципа» деэскалации: «не расширять поле боя, не обострять боевые действия и не подливать масла в огонь». (Newsweek) По оценкам ООН, с момента полномасштабного вторжения России на Украину 24 февраля 2022 года погибло не менее 11 520 мирных жителей и не менее 23 640 получили ранения. (Google Translate) 

China Breaks Silence on Ukraine's Kursk Offensive & Related Events

08/12/2024 China Breaks Silence on Ukraine's Kursk Offensive. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Monday called on "all parties" to abide by the "three principles" for de-escalating the situation: "no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting, and no fueling the flame."  (NewsweekSince the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, the U.N. estimates that at least 11,520 civilians have been killed and at least 23,640 injured (Independent)

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05/17/2024 China has repeatedly denied allegations that it supplies Russia with weapons. But US Secretary of State Antony Blinken points out that about 70% of the machine tools and 90% of the microelectronics for war machine Russia imports come from China. (BBC)

02/23/2024 China has called for a cease-fire between Ukraine and Moscow and the opening of peace talks as part of a 12-point proposal to end the conflict, meanwhile, China abstained when the U.N. General Assembly approved a nonbinding resolution that calls for Russia to end hostilities in Ukraine and withdraw its forces. The resolution passed 141-7 with 32 abstentions. (NBC News)

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02/24/2022 The Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. (Independent)

Credit BBC.

