
10.1 Venezuela Election Updates 委內瑞拉選舉新聞补充

本文对之前的报道进行了补充,并附带了一些新闻。 马查多上周表示,冈萨雷斯以压倒性优势获胜。尽管马杜罗承诺举行自由公正的选举,但选举过程却因涉嫌不公平而蒙上阴影——反对派人物被捕,其主要领导人马查多被禁止参选,反对派证人据称被拒绝进入集中计票,海外委内瑞拉人大多无法投票。委内瑞拉反对派和其他多个国家拒绝承认马杜罗在 7 月 28 日的选举中获胜,直到公布全部选票结果。投票结束后,委内瑞拉各地爆发了抗议活动,政府拘留了数百名反对派支持者。新闻补充: 反对派领导人和总统候选人因呼吁军队和警察“站在人民一边”。委内瑞拉国防部长向马杜罗宣誓“绝对忠诚”。委内瑞拉对反对派领导人冈萨雷斯和马查多展开调查。


Machado said last week that González won by a landslide. Though Maduro had promised free and fair elections, the process was marred with allegations of foul play – with opposition figures arrested, their key leader Machado banned from running, opposition witnesses allegedly denied access to the centralized vote count, and overseas Venezuelans largely unable to cast ballots. Venezuela’s opposition and multiple other nations have refused to recognize Maduro’s victory in the July 28 vote until the release of the full vote tally. Protests broke out across Venezuela following the vote, which saw the government detain hundreds of opposition supporters. (CNN Aug 5, 2024

1. Venezuela defence minister pledges ‘absolute loyalty’ to Maduro (USNews. Aug. 7, 2024) Chile's President Gabriel Boric said on Wednesday he does not recognize Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro "self-proclaimed" victory in the country's hotly contested election late last month. 

2. Venezuela defence minister pledges ‘absolute loyalty’ to Maduro. (Aljazeera, Aug 6, 2024) Country’s defence chief pledges to stand by Maduro’s side following calls by opposition to join ‘side of the people’. 

3. Venezuela launches probe against opposition leaders Gonzalez, Machado (Aljazeera, Aug 6, 2024)
Opposition leader and presidential candidate face an investigation over their appeal to the army and the police ‘to take the side of the people’. 

4. Venezuela opposition leader joins protests against election results (Aljazeera, Aug 3, 2024)
Venezuela’s published election result has prompted widespread allegations of fraud and protests.

Earlier Article 早期文章:

Credit: CNN /  - Federico Parra/AFP/Getty Images

